Number 12 is not an ordinary number. It is loaded with meaning in the spirit. Number 12 is spiritually voluminous in meaning and fantastically relevant to existence.
Number 12 in the spirit means, perfection, joined together, united, to govern, government, to rule over, come together as one.
Number 12 stands out in the bible. Its importance makes it to be found 187 times in the Bible! Brethren, you are important in the hands of God. Your existence shall not be a negative history, in the name of Jesus.
We shall look at why we should treat number 12 special and walk in to the month of December majestically with joy. The month of December is the 12th month of the year.
In the beginning, the Lord called father Abraham to leave his country home to a different location. He eventually settled down at Canaan. The third generation Jacob has 12 children that metamorphosed to 12 tribes of Israel. This means, the month of December shall metamorphosed you to greatness.
Brethren, forget about COVID-19 that nearly tore the world apart this year. Thousands may fall by your side; evil shall not come close to you. Economy may be tight; you shall not be in economic tight corner, in the name of Jesus.
Our Lord Jesus had 12 disciples that helped him in his earthly ministry. The number doesn’t represent the 12 tribes of Israel alone but power of perfection to carry out His ministry on earth. When God wanted to create Adam, he said, LET US, create human being in our own image. This means, two is better than one. In everything we need help mate. As Jesus need help mates to succeed, the Lord shall provide help mate for you to succeed in your career, ministry and destiny in the name of Jesus. I pray you shall have help mate that will make your journey sweet in December into next year, 2021. Amen.
In the Bible, are 12 Minor Prophets after prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah These prophets added value to God’s work and message, as warning tools to children of Israel. Each of the prophets was for a purpose during their time.
Spiritually, we wake into the hands of prayer at 12 O’clock midnight to carry out prayer, meditation that transcends to a new day, which means new things shall be your portion now and years ahead. Amen.
One good thing I want you to know is, THE STORM IS OVER. The woman that bleeds was with the issue of blood for 12 years. But, when she met Jesus and with faith touched the helm of Jesus garment, she got instant healing. This means whatever bleeds good health from you is over! What bleeds your money away causing financial crisis in your life is over, in the name of Jesus.
Brethren, the importance of spiritual power of number 12 are many. Let’s have little summary of them below.
- Our Lord Jesus, spoke in the temple at the age of 12. Luke 2:41-48.
- In the tabernacle of God we have 12 cakes. Leviticus 24:5.
- When the Promised Land was spied, 12 spies did it. Numbers 13.
- Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was fulfilled after 12 months. Daniel 4.
- After Jesus fed the 5,000, leftovers were 12 baskets. Mathew 15
- During the reign of King Solomon, he appointed 12 governors. 1 Kings 4:26.
- When Elisha was called into prophetic ministry he worked with 12 Oxen. 1 Kings 19:19
- At the return of Israel from captivity. Ezra sets apart 12 priests. Ezra 8
These and many we can’t mention, shows that number 12 is a wonderful number. You are welcome to the 12th month of the year.
To understand this more and other months from January to December, I advise you, buy my book titled COMMAND THE YEAR. This is a wonderful Prayer Book that explains and treat each month of the year in depth. Each month is treated special with deliverance and success prayers. You need a copy of it. If you have one please endeavor to buy one or two as gifts to friends and neighbors. As you do so, the Lord shall guide your steps right through this last month of the year into year 2021.
Stay safe! God bless you!
NOTE: Most of my books prices has been reduced (to $2.99) for Christmas and New year bonus. Please make sure you partake in this bonus because the prices may later increase.
- I recommend you get the book Command the Year as it commands each month of the year and reveals more secret concerning what each month holds.
Command the Night with 90 Decrees and Prophecies: Know Your Enemy and Be More Than a Conqueror.
COMMAND the Night deal with Witchcraft Powers and be set free: Know Your Enemy and Be More Than a Conqueror.
Command the Night With 444 Prophetic Prayers to move from the Valley to Mountain Top: A Guide to Scripture-Based Prayer.
Command Your Marriage: The Love Language for Couples.
Command The Night 30 Days Spiritual Manual Prayer Book: A Devotional Prayer Book With 1,200 Violent Prayer Points For Healing Breakthrough and Divine Acceleration.
Command the Night Against Battles of Life: Prayers That Rout Demons.
Command the Night Against 100 types of Witchcraft Arrows: Powerful Prayers in the War Room.
Command The Day Against Witchcraft Activities: Daily Prayer Book.
- Command the Night with 370 Prayers against Deadly Arrows that Bury Destiny
Prayer to Naked and Destroy the Giant with Stone of Fire
230 Powerful Decrees to Command the Morning for Breakthrough, Bright Day, Success, Victory, Deliverance and Fruitfulness
105 Decrees The Roar of Lion of Judah: Prayer of Power Breakers
Decoding Your Dreams Part Two: What Your Dreams Mean (What Does Your Dreams Mean Book 2)
100 Decrees Pleading the Blood of Jesus
The Secret and Power Of Psalm 1
The Secret and Power Of Psalm 91
Strange Women! Leave my Husband Alone: The Secret to Love and Marriage That Lasts
Prayer That Makes Enemies Surrender and Flee
Thunder Prayer That Provokes Angelic Violence Against Works Of Darkness: Prayer is Powerful Journal
Tongue of Fire and Warfare Deliverance
Dictionary of Dreams: The Dream Interpretation Dictionary With Symbols, Signs, and Meanings
Shake Heaven with Prayer and Praises: How to Praise God With Words
I Decree Fire To Consume And Destroy Witchcraft Powers
Atomic Prayers that Destroy Witchcraft Powers and Silence Enemies: A Prayer Book that Rout Demon
Thanks to my narrators, if you love audiobooks, you can get some of my audio prayer books on Audible (owned by Amazon).
a. Fire for fire part one A Spiritual Warfare Prayer Book that Overcome Witchcraft Powers.
b. Fire for Fire part two A Spiritual Warfare Prayer Book that Opens Heaven
c. Command the Night With 90 Decrees and Prophecies Serious Midnight Battle
d. 630 Acidic Prayer A Violent Prayer Book
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