If You Dream Of A Shabby, Dirty Or Rough Bookshelf


Danger lurk around in every life, be it at young or old age. Enemies are bent at doing evil. They are wicked masters and slave dragons; trouble shooters that abuse and injure rights of innocent in the sleep. They are wicked monitoring powers that ensure you suffer trespass and transgression in your dream.

What is the meaning of, to dream of a shabby, dirty or rough bookshelf? Spiritually, it is a dream that foretells danger, ahead. It suggests you may experience academic setback, career difficulty, and or, poor attitude of handling evangelism. Thus, it suggests you are spiritually oppressed, or you allow it happen.

Satan’s calculation is to make you sad all times. To your children, he wants them to fail, to you he doesn’t want to read, do research or enjoy academic exposure. Satan wants you to graduate from one problem to another. He wants you to swim and dine in agony. Satan doesn’t want you to pray or be on your knee to praise God or pray, because he has no one he prays to. For this reason, he hates evangelism, the spread of the Word or gathering of the saints. To achieve this, he attacks you and the church through dream. Such attack makes you dream horrible dream of this nature.


  1. As a minister of God, be focused in your ministry. Evangelize for God. As soldier follows his general, as the servant follows his master, as scholar follows his teacher, as sheep follows his shepherd, so you should follow Christ and do his work.
  2. Don’t dose in pastoral calling. The job of a pastor is to gather the people in the arms and draw them nearer to God.
  3. Be a gallant preacher, you must be a soldier and a shepherded.
  4. Cover your property, destiny and career with blood of Jesus.
  5. Fire back every evil arrow fired against you.
  6. Call your God to lift every embargo placed upon you.
  7. Cleanse your bookshelf with spiritual insecticide and use divine broom to cleanse your spiritual cupboard.
  8. Embrace Jesus, believe in him and surrender to him. Hence, be a born again Christian. No physician like the Lord, no tonic like his promise, no wine like his love.
  9. Read your Bible and study it, know it and practice it.
  10. Let your dreams be important in your spiritual race. Belief in dreams, address it with all seriousness.
  11. Read good Christian books that promote spiritual awareness.
  12. Be a born again Christian and surrender your life to Christ.
  13. Pray without ceasing. Prayer for open good doors, and close bad door of Satan.
  14. Pray for mercy of God and of men to shine and abide in you.


  1. Bible Reading: Esther 6.
  2. Bible Reference: Exodus 17:14.

“And the LORD said unto Moses, write this for a memorial in a book and rehearse it in the ear of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven”

  1. Positive Confession: Hebrew 4:12.

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”

  1. Champion prayer: My name shall be found in the book of life, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Fasting: 6am-6pm.
  3. Time of prayer: 12pm – 3am.
  4. Duration of prayer: 7 days fasting and prayer.


  1. Every danger that lurk around me scatter, in the name of Jesus.

  2. Slave dragons that want to turn me to slave in the dream fail, in the name of Jesus.

  3. Trouble shooters that abuse my right in the dream, fail and expire in the name of Jesus.

  4. Monitoring powers assign to monitor me, go blind in the name of Jesus.

  5. Powers that want to kill spirit of evangelism in me, fail in the name of Jesus.

  6. Every danger ahead of me scatter, in the name of Jesus.

  7. Powers that oppress me in the dream your time is up stop, in the name of Jesus.

  8. Evil instrument assign against me, break to pieces, in the name of Jesus.

  9. Arrow of forgetfulness fired against me backfire in the name of Jesus.
This Blog was culled from my book Prayer against Witchcraft Dream and Storm of Darkness.

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Tella Olayeri grew from Spiritual Warrior to Spiritual Warlord in the Vineyard of God. His books have changed lives of millions, with banner of praises and testimonies in their hands! He is a solution giver to problems and challenges men and women pass through on daily basis. He frowns at satanic oppression and demonic agenda propagated by powers of darkness. He is known for his wonderful deliverance books that address, swallow and bring abrupt end to fierce attacks of the enemy. "Wonders and Miracles", connotes his deliverance books. Tella's books are globally read and accepted, based on operation "do-it-yourself". His books are instant solution to problems laced with fire prayer missiles that give instant deliverance to demonic yoke and oppression, health hazards, witchcraft attacks etc. His books will teach your hands to wage war and your fingers to fight against forces of darkness. Tella Olayeri is a role model in Christian warfare. He is a Counselor and Preacher of the Word. His writings are wonderful and courageous for Christian soldiers in the battle of life to harvest breakthrough, salvation, spiritual protection, open doors and miracles. One of his major research book is DICTIONARY OF DREAMS, that gives instant relief to millions of how to interpret dreams. The book has about ten thousand (10,000) dreams with accurate interpretations. Tella Olayeri is happily married to his wife, Sister Ngozi Judith Olayeri. The marriage is blessed with five children, Miss Ibukun, David, Michael, Miss Comfort and Miss Mercy.


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