Command The Month Of February 2022




February is the 2nd month of the year. In the spirit realm figure 2 means, to judge, separate; discern. Hence, in this month of February, you need to call unto God for wisdom. You need power to discern good from bad. You need power to judge rightly and be able to take right step in the right direction. Believe it or not, figure 2 is more than this. You need power to stop every strange voice that may distract you. Such strange voice saying you can’t make it. Such strange voices telling you go into or continue the act of drunkenness,’ or tells you ‘stop praying’ after all, you have prayed enough and nothing is forthcoming. Such are nothing but strange voice of darkness.

Believe it or not, figure 2 is more than this. Do you take notice of two’s (2s) in you? That is your nose, eyes, hands, legs etc. Check their physical and spiritual importance. You have 2 eyes. If your eyes doesn’t function well you can’t see. Your nose has 2 holes. Without nose your breath will seize, which signifies letter to Mr. Death. Have you forgotten you have 2 legs? Without these two legs you will hardly function well as a human being. Your legs serve the purpose of walking and running. You walk to places you wish, do sports with your legs and run or walk out of danger with it. Do you forget you have, 2 hands one on the left side and the other on the right side of your body? Your hands enable you to do a lot in life. You write with either of it, lift object with it, hold something with it, describe places or situations with it etc. Every human being has 2 breasts, one on the left side and the other on the right side of the chest Women feed babies with their breasts. It is these 2 breasts you and I suck while we were babies. Thus, God is telling you, this month shall be your month of milk and honey. As you suck your mother’s breast and felt happy, this month, joy shall feel your heart. Amen. Lest we forget, everyone has 2 ears. Your ears serve the purpose of hearing physical and spiritual messages. This month, the Lord shall speak to you on how to intake your journey this year. Amen. Tell God to speak to you so that you can take the right step in the right direction with the right people, in the right place.

Praise the Lord. Special weapons of checks and balances are now in operation. Mean business this month. The Lord is saying this 2nd month of the year; your ears shall not go deaf from hearing the Lord. Every good advice given you shall bring fruits of blessings.

Believe me brethren; I say your eyes shall not go blind. The Lord shall reveal unto you visions and good tidings to happen in the nearest future and how to accomplish them. In respect of good health, death shall not be your portion. Those 2 holes in your noise shall not experience breath failure. It shall not experience satanic blockage. Also, I prophesy into your hands and legs. I say they shall not wither or paralyze. Every arrow fired against your legs or hands shall backfire in the name of Jesus. And, to all women, I say your breasts shall not go sour or experience dryness. Cancer of the breast shall not be your portion in the name of Jesus. The Lord shall be with you to function well in life and be useful for His kingdom.

Hear me and hear me well, February is never an ordinary month. There are much physical and spiritual matters attached to it. You took the 1st step (leg), in the month of January and balance the equation by taking the 2nd leg this month to fulfill your mission in life. Hence, it shall be well with you. The 2nd step (leg) you take this month shall not work against you.

Brethren, remember that twelve spies were sent to spy out the Promise Land; all but 2 brought good reports (Joshua and Caleb had a different point of view. “They said we are able. Let us go and possess the land”. I prophesy into your life that you shall possess your possession this month and this year) the reports of these 2 shall be your lot. Thus, this month and this year, you shall not be like grasshoppers before your enemies. Every giant before you shall bow. Where God destine you to occupy, you shall occupy, in the name of Jesus. Every strongman or strong woman occupying your seat in your father’s house or occupying your seat in your office or shop shall vacate it by fire, in the name of Jesus.

I said earlier on that February, the 2nd month of the year is not ordinary. It is a month of covenant. The Lord God gave Moses 2 stones of tablets inscribed by the finger of God, the tables of the covenant (Deut. 9:11). God is telling you that you are a child of covenant. The covenant of God upon you shall not fail Keep to His commandment and your enemy shall scatter.

Do you know, our Lord Jesus never neglect figure 2? The Bible records it. 2 blind men that sat on the road side shouted, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us”. And Jesus healed them. I prophesy upon your situation today that this month, every sickness and disease that defile medication or, is harassing or embarrassing you shall expire and die by fire. Amen. Let me tell you and assure you this, every sickness and disease holding you captive, saying, “I shall not let you go” shall die, in the name of Jesus.

Don’t forget the 2 blind men received their sight instantly at the command of Jesus. The healing was instantaneous and automatic! Hence, I prophesy automatic healing upon every blindness holding you captive. I nullify every career blindness facing you today by the blood of Jesus.

The 2 blind men were first shouted down, but were later embraced after they received their sight. Hence, everyone who rejects you ever before now shall have cause to rejoice with you

Your ways shall be perfect before the Lord in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Hence, you must shed more light into your life in terms of prayer, dedication to duty, reading the Word of God, and ensure you take right step in the right direction. Pray the under listed prayer points with all your zeal and believe in the Lord.


  1. I claim all prayers I prayed in the month of January, (If you have not pray the prayers in the month of January do so now)
  2. Anything that will block my heaven this month, disappear in the name of Jesus
  3. My stolen blessings I repossess you by fire, in the name of Jesus
  4. Any of my virtue hidden in the water come out and locate me, in the name of Jesus
  5. This month I shall be at the right place at the right time, in the name of Jesus
  6. My God shall arise from his throne of grace and terminate every contrary power in my life in the name of Jesus
  7. This year and this month, I shall double my talents for greatness in the name of Jesus
  8. This year and this month, every wicked that wants to stand against me shall fail in the name of Jesus
  9. This year and this month, my cry for help shall receive immediate answer, in the name of Jesus
  10. This year and this month my request before God shall not be turned, down, in the name of Jesus
  11. This year and this month, I shall not take pleasure in doing evil, in the name of Jesus
  12. This year and this month, I shall not fall victim of ritualist in the name of Jesus
  13. This year and this month, I shall experience protection of the Lord in the name of Jesus
  14. This year and this month, my God shall put my enemies to shame in the name of Jesus
  15. This year and this month, no strange lion shall tear me to pieces in the name of Jesus
  16. This year my attention shall not be distracted from the Lord in the name of Jesus
  17. This year I shall dedicate my resources unto the Lord in the name of Jesus
  18. Any wicked power planning evil for me this year shall die in the name of Jesus
  19. Any wicked power planning to attack my prayer this year shall run mad and die in the name of Jesus
  20. This year my God shall arise in his anger against the rage of the enemy in the name of Jesus
  21. This month I shall pursue, overtake and conquer my enemies in the name of Jesus
  22. This year every violence of the enemy against my destiny shall scatter
  23. Every evil pregnancy for me this year shall be aborted in the name of Jesus
  24. This year every trouble and failure awaiting me at the gate of my breakthrough shall die, in the name of Jesus
  25. This year I seal with the blood of Jesus every leaking pocket assign against me, in the name of Jesus
  26. Every pit dug for me this year shall swallow its owner in the name of Jesus
  27. Poverty is not my portion therefore die in the name of Jesus
  28. This year every owner of evil load shall carry his load, in the name of Jesus
  29. This year praises to the Lord shall riot depart from my mouth, in the name of Jesus
  30. This year divine plans of God for me shall manifest by fire in the name of Jesus
  31. This year, the sun, the moon and the star shall not work against me in the name of Jesus
  32. This year and this month, my God shall crown me with glory and honour in the name of Jesus
  33. This year my God shall put my enemies under my feet, in the name of Jesus
  34. This year any satanic bird assign to swallow my prayer shall fall down and die in the name of Jesus
  35. This year every marine fish that swallows my wealth shall vomit it by fire in the name of Jesus
  36. This year my heart shall give praises upon praises unto the Lord in the name of Jesus
  37. This year my stubborn pursuers shall summersault and die in the name of Jesus
  38. This year my name shall be blotted out of sinners’ register in the name of Jesus
  39. This year endless ruin shall overtake my enemies in the name of Jesus
  40. Every persecution of the enemy against my destiny shall fail this year in the name of Jesus
  41. My Lord shall lift me up from the hands of death in the name of Jesus
  42. This year my enemies shall not triumph over me in the name of Jesus
  43. This year schemes and devises of the enemy shall not catch me in the name of Jesus
  44. This year my ways shall be prosperous, in the name of Jesus
  45. This year no power shall shake me to submission, in the name of Jesus
  46. This year happiness shall swallow all troubles awaiting me in the name of Jesus

To understand this more and other months from January to December, I advise you, buy my book titled COMMAND THE YEAR. This is a wonderful Prayer Book that explains and treat each month of the year in depth. Each month is treated special with deliverance and success prayers. You need a copy of it. If you have one please endeavor to buy one or two as gifts to friends and neighbors. As you do so, the Lord shall guide your steps right through this last month of the year into year 2021.

Stay safe! God bless you!



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Satan Stop Rubbish! You Can’t Hold My Miracle

The Pillars Of Praises And Thanksgiving Part 1

The Pillars Of Praises And Thanksgiving Part 2

Dictionary Of Destiny

Pulling Down The Seven Pillars Of Satan That Destroy Destiny: Speak Woe To Works Of Satan

Avoid Wasted Prayers: What God Requires When We Pray

Command The Morning For Loaded Breakthroughs: Morning Prayer That Doesn’t Fail

Shake Heaven With Prayer And Receive Instant Answer: Praying To Grab God’s Attention

O Lord Change My Story By Fire: A Volcanic Prayer Book That Changes Destiny

Breaking the Chain Of Darkness

Take Your Case To God: The Battle Is Won

Multiplying The Tears Of The Enemy

101 Powerful Decrees and Prayers for Breakthrough

Enemies Can’t Stop Me


1. Dictionary of Dreams: The Dream Interpretation Dictionary With Symbols, Signs, and Meanings

2. Prayer to Remember Dreams: A dream journal workbook to learn to recall, record and chart your dreams

3.100 Decrees Pleading the Blood of Jesus

4. Shake Heaven with Prayer and Praises: How to Praise God With Words

5. 105 Decrees The Roar of Lion of Judah: Prayer of Power Breakers

6. Command The Day Against Witchcraft Activities: Daily Prayer Book

7. Strange Women! Leave my Husband Alone: The Secret to Love and Marriage That Lasts

8. Dangerous Prayer Against Strange Women: O Lord, Save My Marriage from Wrecking And Divorce

9. Prayer To Locate Helpers and Helpers to Locate You

10. Deliverance from Spirit of Dog

11 Prayer against SEX in the DREAM: Causes of Spiritual Husband


Double Fire Double Thunder Prayer Book: Why Prayer is Powerful

Strange Women! Leave my Husband Alone: The Secret to Love and Marriage That Lasts

Prayer That Makes Enemies Surrender and Flee

Thunder Prayer That Provokes Angelic Violence Against Works Of Darkness: Prayer is Powerful Journal

Tongue of Fire and Warfare Deliverance

Shake Heaven with Prayer and Praises: How to Praise God With Words

I Decree Fire To Consume And Destroy Witchcraft Powers

Atomic Prayers that Destroy Witchcraft Powers and Silence Enemies: A Prayer Book that Rout Demon


Thanks to my narrators, if you love audiobooks, you can get some of my audio prayer books on Audible (owned by Amazon).

a. Fire for fire part one  A Spiritual Warfare Prayer Book that Overcome Witchcraft Powers.

b. Fire for Fire part two A Spiritual Warfare Prayer Book that Opens Heaven

c. Command the Night With 90 Decrees and Prophecies Serious Midnight Battle

d. 630 Acidic Prayer A Violent Prayer Book

Previous articleCommand The Year 2022
Next articleCommand The Month Of June 2022
Tella Olayeri grew from Spiritual Warrior to Spiritual Warlord in the Vineyard of God. His books have changed lives of millions, with banner of praises and testimonies in their hands! He is a solution giver to problems and challenges men and women pass through on daily basis. He frowns at satanic oppression and demonic agenda propagated by powers of darkness. He is known for his wonderful deliverance books that address, swallow and bring abrupt end to fierce attacks of the enemy. "Wonders and Miracles", connotes his deliverance books. Tella's books are globally read and accepted, based on operation "do-it-yourself". His books are instant solution to problems laced with fire prayer missiles that give instant deliverance to demonic yoke and oppression, health hazards, witchcraft attacks etc. His books will teach your hands to wage war and your fingers to fight against forces of darkness. Tella Olayeri is a role model in Christian warfare. He is a Counselor and Preacher of the Word. His writings are wonderful and courageous for Christian soldiers in the battle of life to harvest breakthrough, salvation, spiritual protection, open doors and miracles. One of his major research book is DICTIONARY OF DREAMS, that gives instant relief to millions of how to interpret dreams. The book has about ten thousand (10,000) dreams with accurate interpretations. Tella Olayeri is happily married to his wife, Sister Ngozi Judith Olayeri. The marriage is blessed with five children, Miss Ibukun, David, Michael, Miss Comfort and Miss Mercy.


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