740 Rocket Prayers That Break Satanic Embargo

$ 3.99

There are people that ought to move higher in life than where they are presently. Witchcraft powers bound and tied down souls in the spirit. They languish under cruel power of embargoes. They are immovable. They know, they are in the wrong level of ladder of life. They occupy the tail region of life with daily lamentation. They are in the bottom position of life where they lament, but no one to console them. The simple reason is, they have one embargo or other or contend with. They have yoke to break. They are oppressed and weak. This book is written to open room for you to arise and checkmate powers behind satanic embargo fashion against you. Satanic embargo is a wicked agenda of dark powers; a trap to humiliate advancement of the saints. You must arise to break this obstacle that stands between you and breakthrough. It is time, you take right decision to break every wicked embargo and set yourself free of witchcraft bombardment. Every enemy behind witchcraft embargo is notorious, shameless, and wicked. They place embargo between you and your promised land. This is the reason you need violent prayer book like this one. It is time you rise and pray. This book is loaded with warfare prayers that pull down embargoes, break embargoes and scatter embargoes. It put smiles in your face, and make you dance meritorious dance of breakthrough. It is time you pray and be victorious. Pick a copy, pray and awaits wonders and miracles.

There are people that ought to move higher in life than where they are presently. Witchcraft powers bound and tied down souls in the spirit. They languish under cruel power of embargoes. They are immovable. They know, they are in the wrong level of ladder of life. They occupy the tail region of life with daily lamentation. They are in the bottom position of life where they lament, but no one to console them. The simple reason is, they have one embargo or other or contend with. They have yoke to break. They are oppressed and weak. This book is written to open room for you to arise and checkmate powers behind satanic embargo fashion against you. Satanic embargo is a wicked agenda of dark powers; a trap to humiliate advancement of the saints. You must arise to break this obstacle that stands between you and breakthrough. It is time, you take right decision to break every wicked embargo and set yourself free of witchcraft bombardment. Every enemy behind witchcraft embargo is notorious, shameless, and wicked. They place embargo between you and your promised land. This is the reason you need violent prayer book like this one. It is time you rise and pray. This book is loaded with warfare prayers that pull down embargoes, break embargoes and scatter embargoes. It put smiles in your face, and make you dance meritorious dance of breakthrough. It is time you pray and be victorious. Pick a copy, pray and awaits wonders and miracles.

Language English
Territorial Rights Worldwide
Produced in Nigeria
Expiration Never Expire
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Colors White and Black
Reading Allowed
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Suitable Devices Windows, Mac, Sony Reader, iRex Reader
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