Strange Women! Leave My Husband Alone Part One

$ 5.99

We live in a fallen world and bad things happen. Many homes are experiencing storms in their marriages. Women lost grip of their husbands to desperate and faceless strange women who inflict wounds in their heart. They go extra miles to achieve their aims. The battle line is drawn between holding your marriage or loses it outright to strange women who want to transform your home to a busy immoral market. For this act, she murdered sleep and must pay for it. Rise up to the situation now and fight back. Beware! I am not calling for physical approach of an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth; else two of you will go blind and toothless! Rather, go spiritual in prayer and petition before God. Fight and win the battle against strange women troubling your marriage. The book you are holding is loaded with answer and prayer that address marital challenges.

We live in a fallen world and bad things happen. Many homes are experiencing storms in their marriages. Women lost grip of their husbands to desperate and faceless strange women who inflict wounds in their heart. They go extra miles to achieve their aims. The battle line is drawn between holding your marriage or loses it outright to strange women who want to transform your home to a busy immoral market. For this act, she murdered sleep and must pay for it. Rise up to the situation now and fight back. Beware! I am not calling for physical approach of an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth; else two of you will go blind and toothless! Rather, go spiritual in prayer and petition before God. Fight and win the battle against strange women troubling your marriage. The book you are holding is loaded with answer and prayer that address marital challenges.

Language English
Territorial Rights Worldwide
Produced in Nigeria
Expiration Never Expire
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Colors White and Black
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Suitable Devices Windows, Mac, Sony Reader, iRex Reader
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