Decrees And Prayers To Command The Month Of March 2021



Hello Beloved,

It is a privilege for me to speak to you today knowing that the Lord God almighty has been merciful unto us.

How are you doing? I believe you are doing well by the grace of God. This blog is just to check on you and let you know that there are greater things ahead of you and inform you about decrees, prayers and command for the week. The decrees below is to be used at night (preferably 12 noon) and morning continuously for 1 week please endeavor to participate.

I spent much time studying the prayer lives of many great men and women of prayer and used their keys to answered prayer in formulating prayer topics, decrees, meditation scriptures as well as hindrance breaking strategies.

Remember you are unstoppable! You are unstoppable! You are unstoppable! This is the good news of the Lord for you this year. You shall do all things through Christ who strengthens you day and night. Hear this loud and clear; enemy in the sea, enemy in the air and enemy in the land can’t stop you. Any power that stands on your way shall be grinded to dust. Thus says the Lord.

“This is what the Lord says to you: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s” 2 Chronicles 20:15.



Lord Jesus, cover me with your precious blood. Let your blood flow in my life. Redeem me with your blood. Let your blood flow from my head to my toes. Let enemy see me and flee as a result of your blood that flows in me. Hence, I declare, by the power in the blood of Jesus, this morning I will experience wonderful surprises, supernatural breakthroughs and miracles. Amen.

“In him we have redemption though his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. Ephesian 1:7.


Holy Spirit of God, come upon me this morning. Fill my heart, take over my home. My spirit, don’t insult Holy Spirit, make way for Him in my life. I command the day to welcome Holy Spirit into my life. Let Him talk to my ears, hold my hands to safety and prosperity, make me happy and victorious in anything I lay my hands upon. Holy Spirit Divine, be my Senior Partner. Open my eyes, to my dreams. Open my ears to your talk. Command what I say, not what I love to say. Amen.

“In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly” Psalm 5:3.


Lord Jesus, wash my heart clean this morning. Let old nature in me be rendered useless. Let anger, pain, resentment, judgment, bitterness, un-forgiveness, pride clear away in my mind, body and soul. I release anything that may not allow purity flow in my vein. My heaven I speak to you, bring me divine deliverance, opportunity and grace in the name of Jesus. I am stress free, depressed free, disease free and panic free, in the name of Jesus.

“Purify me with hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow”. Psalm 51:7.


I declare and command this morning, my Lord shall keep me safe from all hidden danger and deadly diseases. He will cover me with His wings. I will be safe in his care. His faithfulness will protect and defend me. The Lord shall advertise His wealth and power in my life. Therefore, all they that devour against me shall be devoured. All my adversaries shall go into captivity. Powers assign to spoil me shall be spoiled, in the name of Jesus.

“For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you” Amen. Deuteronomy 15:6.


I decree and declare upon my life this morning, let the blessing that breaks protocol, the prosperity that disgrace poverty, the promotion that put enemy in suspension, the breakthrough that is unimaginable, manifest in my life. This is the day the LORD shall endow me with the kind of testimony that people will hear and say, “It is a lie”, because it shall be, a one in town kind of testimony, with exceptional result. Each day this year shall be a testimony for me, in the name of Jesus.

“With man this is impossible, but not with God, all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27.

This Decrees was culled from my book 230 Powerful Decrees to Command the Morning for Breakthrough, Bright Day, Success, Victory, Deliverance and Fruitfulness.



DECREE NUMBER 1: Blood of Jesus, bless the works of my hands

I decree blood of Jesus to bless the works of my hands. Those who need miracle through me shall be blessed. Those who need my help shall be blessed, in the name of Jesus. The widow of Zarephath met with Elijah, her jar of flour never dry.

The Lord multiplied it. When a call or works of a hand is blessed or covered with blood of Jesus, surprises will arise and shall make one shine. My jar of breakthrough appear and be filled with oil of breakthrough, oil of success, oil of deliverance, oil of favor and oil of mercy.

O Lord, let what I think is impossible become possible by the power in your blood. Blood of Jesus, open the doors of breakthrough unto me. The God I serve is Great, He is a God of signs and wonders. He is a God loaded with miracles. To you O Lord, I give my praises. Amen.

“For thus saith the LORD God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruise of oil fail, until the day that the LORD sendeth rain upon the earth” 1King 17:14

Prayer: Blood of Jesus, bless the works of my hands, in the name of Jesus.

DECREE NUMBER 2:  The Blood enriched my seeds.

I decree heavenly enriched seed of God to be my portion. I decree, blood of Jesus enrich the seeds in my hands in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus can enrich heavenly seeds, blood of Jesus is a booster, it prevents pest to destroy seed. It protects it from mold that affects germination and harvest.

Blood of Jesus makes seed robust for consumption and as seedlings. It is said, health is wealth, so it is with seed of life covered with blood of Jesus. Blood of Jesus, save my future from pest of darkness. Blood of Jesus, turn the seed in my hands to mustard seed of life. Amen.

“But when it is sown (mustard seed) it growth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great ranches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadows of it” Mark 4:32

Prayer: O Lord my God, let my destiny enjoy heavenly blessing, in the blessing, in the name of Jesus.


Blood of Jesus, capture this day for me. In whatever I do, speak for me, act for me and be with me as personality of the heavenly. There is life in you. Cover the land, the sky, the sea and the wind. Let the land I walk produce blessings.

Let the sky above release favour unto me. Let the sea vomit my treasures to me. Let the breeze around me blow peace unto me. Let the shadow of death around me disappear at the appearance of the blood.

Blood of Jesus, nullify every wicked agenda assign to strip me of honor and prosperity. Enemy shall not wrestle from me what belongs to me. I shall not trade in the market of failure. I will be embraced with love, and decorated with colors of blessings in the name of Jesus.

“O sun, stand still over Gibeon,

O moon, over the valley of Aijalon”.

So the sun stood still and the moon stopped,

Till the nation avenged itself on its enemies” Joshua 10:12-13

Prayer: Blood of Jesus, arrest the sky, let dark powers on evil assignment fail woefully, in the name of Jesus.

DECREE NUMBER 4: Prayer against witchcraft darkness

Blood of Jesus, visit my life, turn every dryness in my life to breakthrough. Dryness represents failure, debt, nil harvest, labor without harvest, zero expectation, bareness etc. With blood of Jesus, dryness can be reversed; dryness can be rebuked and can be sentenced to death. Lord Jesus, I know the power in your blood. It is indisputably powerful and supernatural. It can turn situation around and make one happy.

Today, I call upon you to turn my tears to joy, failure to success and loss to profit. Let your blood be a fertilizer that silence failure in a destiny. I look unto you O Lord because you don’t play with your precious blood. Dry area in my life, hear the word of the Lord; expire, in the name of Jesus.

“And God will generously provide all your need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others” 2Corithians 9:8

Prayer: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want or lack, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

DECREE NUMBER 5: Prayer to be an eagle

I decree, blood of Jesus, bring out the eagle in my life in the name of Jesus. My strength shall not be wasted by the enemy. As I drink blood of Jesus, I receive strength and vitality of eagle.

As I cover myself with blood of Jesus, the wing of God in me shall receive power to fly high and be a champion. Lord Jesus, cleanse my eyes with your blood to see far and wide like the eagle that fly high and see clearly all around. Blood of Jesus re-new my strength; incubate me with strength to do well in life. Let me be the first among equal.

Let me stand out for good in the multitude of men. Eagles are admired in the world over as symbol of power, freedom and transcendence. Here I am, like eagle that cannot be rubbished.

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint” Isaiah 40:31.

Prayer: Blood of Jesus, cover my eagle to fly high and occupy mountain top of life, in the name of Jesus.

This Decrees was culled from my book 100 Decrees Pleading the Blood of Jesus.




Lord Jesus, I come to you, for the forgiveness of my sins. Without forgiveness I am not worthy to stand before you or pray and receive answer. You are great Lord, make me great, clear every hindrance within me and without, that may distance me from you. O Lord, I repent of my sins, forgive me and let the battle within me; that is, the battle between flesh and the spirit expire by fire. Let the struggles between my wanting to walk in obedience and the old nature expire. Lord Jesus, empower me to walk in the spirit and in the light of the word by obeying you. I flee from appearances of evil, in the name of Jesus.

“For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.” Galatians 5:17.


Lord Jesus, I thank you for making me thirst for heaven as you draw me close and forgive my sins. Sinners can’t make heaven, but the righteous. I am before you Lord, forgive me and let it be total in the name of Jesus. Make me reason heaven, talk heaven and do what makes one a candidate of heaven. You pull me out of forest of sin, and set the forest ablaze. Lord Jesus, how wonderful you are. Purge me of sin and let me hungry of heaven. My Praise go to you, it will always be on my lips all the time. I sing unto him a new song. I rejoice in the Lord and glorify his name. Amen.

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin” Psalm 51:1-2.


Jesus won’t fellowship with sinners, if the sinner refuses to leave his bad way or companion. Lord Jesus, I left bad ways and come to you for fellowship. Wash me in and out. Cleanse my heart of wounds and sins. Let me see your face for good. Here I come before you for the forgiveness of my sin. Let me be worthy before you. Forgive me O Lord, count me worthy. I know my righteousness is like a filthy rag before you. Lay hands of forgiveness upon me and let me be whole. I will not eat food of sin or drink water of sin. Let every sin that turn to Goliath in my life expire. Let me make your word my word. I praise my God, with you all things are possible. My sins are forgiven in Jesus name, amen.

“With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” Isaiah 6:7.


I praise God who turn to me and lay hands of success and breakthrough upon me. Lord Jesus, come to my life, give me keys of breakthrough. I praise your Lord, for you are able to see me through in the journey of life. You give me strength to forge ahead in what I do. I praise you, for you bless me beyond words can express. Lord Jesus, you love me passionately, fiercely, devotedly and whole heartedly. I thank you Daddy Jesus, because you are always there for me. I thank you Jesus, for blessing me with spiritual blessings of heaven. I thank you Lord, you my restorer and great giver.

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.” Psalm 9: 1-2.


Holy is the name of Jesus. His mercy is upon me. He is praised from generation to generation. He is great! O Lord you perform mighty deeds with your arms. You brought down rulers of darkness, you are rich in holiness. Your garment is holy. It heals the woman with issue of blood. Your hand is holy; it sets free that woman that commits adultery after you wrote holy language on the holy soil. Your eyes and mouth are holy. When you saw Zacheaus and command him to come down, you spent the night with him. That night, Zacheaus was neck dip in holiness. He surrendered all to Jesus. He was forgiven and set free from bondage of sin. I Praise you Lord, for you are holy, wonderful and eternal. Thank you, Jesus.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34.

This Decree was culled from my book 101 Powerful Decrees and Prayers for Breakthrough.



  1. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord. Let all the earth shout His name. Let all the earth prepare their hands. Let all the earth confess Jesus is Lord. Prepare the earth, Lord Jesus for Your return. Come Kingdom of God on the earth. Thy will be done in my life and on earth, as it is in heaven. The King that comes to us, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Hosanna is your welcome attribute to my life. I praise my God, the King of King, the awesome leader, Teacher of teachers loaded with wisdom. Thank you Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Take control of this prayer and praises. Let your will be done. So be it! Amen.

“Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest!” Mathew 21:9.


  1. I boast of my God. I know who he is. He doesn’t lose battle and will never lose one. This is the God I serve. This is the God I know. When I call upon him, he will answer me. Angels of God appear! Soldiers of heaven appear! Look! Look! Look! I can see them. They are around. They have taken position. They occupy chariots of heaven. Some mounts horses of fire. Some are infantry. They are stern mercenaries. Their boots are solid, destructive and shinning. They are ready for war! Take position. Attack! Attack! Attack! I say attack! Let your chariot storm the streets, to the fortress of the enemy. Eliminate the guards, show no mercy. Rush back and forth through everywhere enemies may hide. Silence them! Annihilate them by fire! I say destroy them totally. Chariots of God bring my enemies to their knees. So be it. Amen.

See, the LORD is coming with fire, and his chariots are like a whirlwind; he will bring down his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.” Isaiah 66:15


  1. I will not back down. I am relentless in pursuit of the enemy and their gang. I am the temple of the living God and He walks in me. He is my God and I am his child. He will repay the enemy for his evil. I am the mighty son/daughter of the Most High King. I declare the enemy defeated. The evil ones are defeated. Agents of darkness are defeated. Saboteurs are defeated. The attempt to sabotage my freedom is defeated. Satanic leaders are defeated. Kingdom of darkness is defeated. Satanic leaders are defeated. Kingdom of darkness is defeated. Tyranny is defeated. Every Satanic lawsuit is defeated. I rise as the mighty army of Yahweh. I will not be defeated. I will take no rest! Woe to you Satan. Woe to enemy of my soul. Woe to works of darkness. Satan shall not take advantage of me, for I am not ignorant of his devices. The plots and schemes of the enemy against me shall scatter. So be it. Amen.

In my distress I called to the LORD; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears.” 2 Samuel 22:7


  1. Today is my day of freedom. Whatever holds me captive shall be pulled down. I pull down every wall of darkness that holds me captive. Lion of Judah; make me bold, give me special energy to destroy and pull down every wall, every fence and every evil gate that stand against me. I can see the wall cracking, falling piece by piece, layer by layer. This is hand of God, it is not ordinary and it shall be so in the name of Jesus. This dark wall must not stand test of time. I shall not give the Lord no rest until he answers me and complete his work. The baton has changed! Instead of me being the prisoner, I make my enemy prisoner. Angels of God arrest them put them in the prison of the Almighty. Enemy must pay for his sin. They will pay for their tyranny, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

From the west, people will fear the name of the LORD, and from the rising of the sun, they will revere his glory. For he will come like a pent-up flood that the breath of the LORD drives along.” Isaiah 59:19


  1. Enough of all these! Enough of sickness and disease! Enough of virus attack! Lion of Judah pull off the blinders of deception. Pull off the masks. Pull off the plastic shields. Pull off the gloves and every other ridiculous material mandated. I rebuke social distancing. I rebuke masks. I am not made to be masked. I am not made to be isolated. I am not created to be manipulated or controlled. I am made free to breathe free air and socialize and worship the Most High. I come against depression and fear. Satan you will not have me and my family. Every demonic stronghold is pulled down. I declare protection of God over my household, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

This Decrees was culled from my book 105 Decrees The Roar of Lion of Judah: Prayer of Power Breakers.





Holy Spirit is not separate from new birth. Coming to this world is power connected to spirit. The body is flesh while the spirit is distinct. This is the reason after the spirit lives the body, flesh is left behind. It is when Holy Spirit is with you, you live. Pray for Holy Spirit not to depart from you until the appointed day in heaven. The new birth of Holy Spirit is not only on the day you were born, but the day you were Born Again Christian. Pray for Holy Spirit to turn you to a new leaf everyday so that you may enjoy peace, good health, joy and whatever makes life meaningful to human being. New birth is essential to life. Therefore, decree new birth with the help of the Holy Spirit, who gives without price.

“Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the spirit, flesh gives birth to flesh, but Spirit gives birth to Spirit” John 3:5.



There is joy in meeting Holy Spirit, knowing him and being with him. The hand of the Lord is strong on anyone transported by the Holy Spirit. Transporting people is an interesting operation of the Spirit in the life of a believer. Holy Spirit can lead you to pray, he can lead you to do God’s work. The strange of it all is to lift you or transport you to a different place. He did it to Philip. When he was directed to go and meet the Ethiopian eunuch sitting in his chariot, reading the book of Isaiah. After Philip explained to the eunuch what he read, Philip baptized him and immediately they left the water, Holy Spirit took Philip away! Wonderful! Let the wonder happen in your life. Invite Holy Spirit to transport you to place of greatness.

“When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing” Acts 8:39.



When you are visited by the Holy Spirit, he provides you power to excel in what you do and journey in life. Everyone needs strength and vigour to forge ahead. Power gives strength to bring dreams to pass. Without strength in you, you can’t realize your dream. Your strength works with the brain that supplies wisdom to accelerate breakthrough. Wisdom to speak, mix with people, couple with interpersonal skill are factors of power. So, when the Holy Spirit provides you with power, you speak, talk and witness Jesus to people stress-less. The Apostles enjoyed this when Jesus departed and ascended to heaven. Call upon Holy Spirit to provide and decree power to be a witness to Jesus and be a candidate of heaven.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witness in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” Acts 1:8.



We are all hopeful in the Lord. We all expect good things from the Lord Almighty. When hope is lost, depression sets in. Depression is the mother of all suicide. When love is shared without measure, peace reigns in the heart and in community at large. Nations grow in love. Every family loaded with love is peaceful and kind to each other. This is Holy Spirit at work. Love has foundation and facts it works with. You may experience long suffering that produces perseverance which exposes character and eventually bring hope, if the character is well managed. Holy Spirit is always at hand to mold love in a life. Holy Spirit shall decree love into your life so that you experience breakthrough in all area of life.

“And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us” Romans 5:5.



Holy Spirit is a power house with might. You can’t gauge or measure His might. He is rich in it. He strengthens us so that we realize good things of life. His love focus is immeasurable. He strengthens us with power to realize breakthroughs wherever we lay hands. There is joy in achievement, failure is calamity. Your inner being needs courage to forge ahead. Your inner being encourages you to move in the path of the Lord; the food of Holy Spirit. Feed Holy Spirit with truth, He will strengthen you with might. You need decree of strength and power in your life. Call upon Him, He will do it!

“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his spirit in your inner being” Ephesians 3:16.

This Decrees was culled from my book 77 Powerful Decrees of the Holy Spirit.




My God is the Almighty God. He is the All Sufficient God. He is the Savior. He is the Healer. He is the Deliverer. You are the Great Provider. You provide my needs. You provide the needs of my family. My God is the defender of the defenseless. Whoever runs to him is save. You are the source of my joy. O Lord, I praise you. You are the Lord strong in battle. You are the Mighty God. You are the King of glory. Your glory is sufficient for me. I praise you, I worship you. You are my God. I glorify you. I glorify your holy name. Thank you Father, in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen.


My Father, my Father, I come to you, give me total victory. You are the only one who can do it. Please Lord, give me total victory today. Victory in the physical! Victory in material worth! Victory in mental state! Victory in marital area! Victory in spiritual! I need complete victory. My God will do it for me. He never failed in his promise. He never denied what he does or promise. With him I am save of complaints. I am save of lack, I will not lack. With him I am save of failure, I will not fail. What a mighty God I serve. Heaven and earth adore him all the time. He is the King of kings in heaven and on earth. Angels bow before him. He is great. I thank you Lord. You give me total victory. Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord. Praise! Praise! Praise the Lord Almighty. I praise God who will take good care of me and my family. I praise my God who gives me peace of mind. I praise God that nourishes my body, spirit and soul with heavenly food. I praise God who put my enemies to shame and disgrace every step taken against me and my family. I praise God who scatter and stop storms of life that rise to delay me and cause failure in my life. I praise my God who showers mercy and grace upon my life. I praise God who is always by my side. He gives me succor and makes me bold. I am not lonely, my God is by my side. If men and women desert me, my God won’t. I praise my God who lifts me up in my entire endeavor. I praise and thank my God who feels my mouth with laughter and joy. The Lord is with me. My glory will shine, in Jesus name.


Here I am O God. Who is great like you? Nobody does. You are Greater than the greatest. You are Higher than the highest. You are Stronger than the strongest. You are Richer than the richest. You are Holier than the holiest. You are Older than the oldest. You are Wiser than the wisest. Glory be to your Holy name. Hallelujah. I thank you for what you did in my life. Proof yourself in my life O Lord. Put a new song in my mouth. Put songs of victory in my mouth. O Lord, I glorify your name.


I praise the Lord who has watchful eyes on me. I thank my God who will frustrate enemies fighting to devour and destroy my freedom. O Lord, I come to you for protection, boldness, and ways to declare war and defeat powers at war against me. I declare war against deceiving false prophets. I praise my God who will silence them and cause their number, power and revenue to crash and burn. My enemy, you are defeated, in Jesus name. I will not back down. I will not bend over. I will sing! I will shout! I will praise! I will gather people to celebrate with me. I praise my God who will not allow me to go to cave. I will not go hiding. I will not be shamed. I loose myself free from oppression and defy the enemy. The power of the Lord is upon me. My head is anointed. My eye is anointed. My hands are anointed. My legs are anointed. My ears are anointed. I declare myself a winner. So be it.

This Decrees was culled from my book Bombs and Bullets of Prayer and Praises That Silence Witchcraft Powers.




I thank God for keeping me to see this day. A lot happened in the world but my God see me through. He kept me alive. To the Almighty be the glory. I am a sinner, when I pray and ask for forgiveness, God hears and forgives me. My God saves me from illness, sickness and infirmity. When Covid-19 claimed many lives, and people had other ailments, my God have mercy upon me, He sustained me. He redeemed me from destruction, that are too numerous to count. He has mercy and love for me. He continues to satisfy me with good things of life, health, protection, safety and provisions. My God is good; I will continue to praise Him. When I see and count these blessings, I have no options than to say, “I don’t care who my enemy is”. I say this because there is nothing too hard for Him to do. He saves sinners, heals the sick, delivers the oppressed, raises the dead and sets the captives free. This is the God I serve. “I don’t care who my enemy is”.

 “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits” Psalm 103:2.


Say this loud and clear, “I don’t care who my enemy is”. “I am the apple of God’s eye. The Lord shall see me through in whatever I do to his glory. He will not let me down, fail or fall, or be in captivity of the enemy. Those who rise against me shall fail. My God shall confront and bring them down for my sake. When I know my God shall fight for me. I don’t need to complain, but declare, “I don’t care who my enemy is”. The hand of my God shall save me from the enemy and from men of this world whose reward is here. I know I am apple of God’s eye. Hunger is not my portion. My children shall have plenty. Even if my enemy rise like a hungry lion looking for prey, I will not be, my God shall give me cover. When they speak with arrogance, my God shall silence them. My steps held to the path of God, my feet shall not slip. I have resolved my mouth will not sin. I keep myself from the ways of the violent. O Lord, I am your child”.

 “Keep me as the apple of your eyes, hide me in the shadow of your wings from the wicked who assail me, from my mortal enemies who surround me” Psalm 17:8-9.


I shut the mouth of my enemy with blood of Jesus. I don’t care wherever they may gather. Blood of Jesus, scatter the gathering. Blood of Jesus make them impotent. I don’t care who my enemy is, I silence them by the power in the blood of Jesus. Lord Jesus, let your blood be a source of deliverance for me from the grip of the enemy. Thou enemy of my soul, I don’t care who you are, paralyze by the power in the blood of Jesus. Every power troubling my star, troubling my promotion, troubling agenda of God for my life, I silence you by the power in the blood of Jesus. Enemy of my soul, I don’t care who you are, paralyze and rise no more by the power in the blood of Jesus.

“Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!” Romans 5:9


Blood of Jesus, hold down every strongman and woman in charge of my case. Blood of Jesus break every curse and covenant troubling my foundation. Blood of Jesus sets me free from captivity of darkness. Blood of Jesus breaks the yoke. Blood of Jesus, break every ancestral curse and blood line troubling me. All these I experience and say, “I don’t care who my enemy is”. Blood of Jesus, break every evil padlock fashioned against me. Local dragons die as a result of power in the blood of Jesus. Altars of affliction scatter at the mention of blood of Jesus. Blood of Jesus do wonder in my life. For this reason, I say, “I don’t care who my enemy is.”

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his son, purifies us from all sin” 1 John 1:7


I don’t care who my enemy is, for the Lord holds me to himself at his right hand. He promised me eternal rest and pleasure. He fills me with joy and laughter. He is my God; he will not abandon me to poverty or to the grave. I am secured in his hand. He keeps me safe, he is my refuge. When I look around, I will say, “I don’t care who my enemy is”. I won’t run after other gods; neither will I pour out libations of blood to other gods. I have no reason to worship other gods, my God, Yahweh is enough for me. I don’t care for other gods. No matter the attack that rises against me I won’t summit, I fear no evil. I will not be shaken. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. My Lord is enough for me. I don’t care who my enemy is, as I hold tight to my God, Yahweh.

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:11

This Decrees was culled from my book I Don’t Care Who My Enemy Is With 95 Powerful Decrees.



  1. Tonight, I command spirit of love to occupy my heart. My heart, receive spirit to love my neighbours; though it may be difficult at times, do me favour Lord to forget the past and forgive. John 13:34-35. My value before God, rise today so that I shall be a pillar that supports not a caterpillar that destroys, in the name of Jesus.
  2. I command the night to save me from excuses to serve God. Exodus 4:10. O Lord, touch my mouth to be eloquent. Let not my past hunt me, nor let me stammer before my helpers. My father and my God teach me what to do and how to do it
  3. I command fresh breath of fire like the day of Pentecost to appear and rest in me. Act 2:1-4.Tonight, let the sound blow like violent wind and occupy this prayer space. Let tongue of fire rest on my head and fill me with Holy Spirit. Let fresh fire revival flow in my life. Enough is enough. Enough of death message that add nothing to life, enough of dead song that lead soul astray. I receive fire of Holy Ghost tonight by fire.
  4. I command the night to obey me so that my body can be crucified to Christ. O Lord, empower me to be crucified in the order of Joseph who refuse to sleep with Potiphar’s wife. Genesis 39:6-10. Crucify me in the order of Daniel who rejects alluring food and wine of the King. Daniel 1:8-15. Crucify me O Lord, like the three Hebrew boys who refuse to bow and worship image of gold. Spirit of obedience to serve God fall upon me now in the name of Jesus.
  5. Tonight I command every tempest against me to scatter and expire. I know tempest will always toss, billows will always roll, darkness will certainly come, and the road will almost always be slippery and narrow. O yes, I command them to end by fire tonight. I know harrowing experience will always often show off, I will not fear or stumble this night. When Paul was in the ship expected to shipwreck, he encouraged them all; Act 27:21-26, no evil happened. Therefore, I command the night to favour me in all directions of life against principalities and powers of darkness. Tonight I receive fresh grace, fresh hope and climb ladder of progress. Amen.

This Decrees was culled from my book Command the Night with 90 Decrees and Prophecies: Know Your Enemy and Be More Than a Conqueror.


1. I recommend you get the book Command the Year as it commands each month of the year and reveals more secret concerning what each month holds.

2. Prayer Against Untimely Death: Daily Meditations For Working Through Grief
3. Prayer When All Seems Lost: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered

How do I Command the Year?

I wrote a book titled Command the Year, which command each month of the year to bring forth good things. It is to be used every day and every month of the year.

In the book, I shared direction to command the year. I also provides you with powerful prayer and declarations to command the year.

Go to new year by saying “I Don’t Care who my Enemy is” By decreeing powerful decree that shakes the camp of the enemy.

Also you can Command the Day using this book.

1. Dictionary of Dreams: The Dream Interpretation Dictionary With Symbols, Signs, and Meanings

2. Prayer to Remember Dreams: A dream journal workbook to learn to recall, record and chart your dreams

3.100 Decrees Pleading the Blood of Jesus

4. Shake Heaven with Prayer and Praises: How to Praise God With Words

5. 105 Decrees The Roar of Lion of Judah: Prayer of Power Breakers

6. Command The Day Against Witchcraft Activities: Daily Prayer Book

7. Strange Women! Leave my Husband Alone: The Secret to Love and Marriage That Lasts

8. Dangerous Prayer Against Strange Women: O Lord, Save My Marriage from Wrecking And Divorce

9. Prayer To Locate Helpers and Helpers to Locate You

10. Deliverance from Spirit of Dog

11 Prayer against SEX in the DREAM: Causes of Spiritual Husband


Multiplying The Tears Of The Enemy

101 Powerful Decrees and Prayers for Breakthrough

Enemies Can’t Stop Me

Enemies Halt! It is written!: A scriptural based prayer book

Bombs and Bullets of Prayer and Praises That Silence Witchcraft Powers

77 Powerful Decrees of the Holy Spirit

I Don’t Care Who My Enemy Is With 95 Powerful Decrees

Prayer to Naked and Destroy the Giant with Stone of Fire

230 Powerful Decrees to Command the Morning for Breakthrough, Bright Day, Success, Victory, Deliverance and Fruitfulness

105 Decrees The Roar of Lion of Judah: Prayer of Power Breakers

Decoding Your Dreams Part Two: What Your Dreams Mean (What Does Your Dreams Mean Book 2)

100 Decrees Pleading the Blood of Jesus


Double Fire Double Thunder Prayer Book: Why Prayer is Powerful

Strange Women! Leave my Husband Alone: The Secret to Love and Marriage That Lasts

Prayer That Makes Enemies Surrender and Flee

Thunder Prayer That Provokes Angelic Violence Against Works Of Darkness: Prayer is Powerful Journal

Tongue of Fire and Warfare Deliverance

Shake Heaven with Prayer and Praises: How to Praise God With Words

I Decree Fire To Consume And Destroy Witchcraft Powers

Atomic Prayers that Destroy Witchcraft Powers and Silence Enemies: A Prayer Book that Rout Demon


  1. I recommend you get the book Command the Year as it commands each month of the year and reveals more secret concerning what each month holds.
  2. Command the Night with 90 Decrees and Prophecies: Know Your Enemy and Be More Than a Conqueror.

  3. COMMAND the Night deal with Witchcraft Powers and be set free: Know Your Enemy and Be More Than a Conqueror.

  4. Command the Night With 444 Prophetic Prayers to move from the Valley to Mountain Top: A Guide to Scripture-Based Prayer.

  5. Command Your Marriage: The Love Language for Couples.

  6. Command The Night 30 Days Spiritual Manual Prayer Book: A Devotional Prayer Book With 1,200 Violent Prayer Points For Healing Breakthrough and Divine Acceleration.

  7. Command the Night Against Battles of Life: Prayers That Rout Demons.

  8. Command the Night Against 100 types of Witchcraft Arrows: Powerful Prayers in the War Room.

  9. Command The Day Against Witchcraft Activities: Daily Prayer Book.

  10. Command the Night with 370 Prayers against Deadly Arrows that Bury Destiny



Thanks to my narrators, if you love audiobooks, you can get some of my audio prayer books on Audible (owned by Amazon).

a. Fire for fire part one  A Spiritual Warfare Prayer Book that Overcome Witchcraft Powers.

b. Fire for Fire part two A Spiritual Warfare Prayer Book that Opens Heaven

c. Command the Night With 90 Decrees and Prophecies Serious Midnight Battle

d. 630 Acidic Prayer A Violent Prayer Book


I want to use this opportunity to say a big thank you to many of you who sent us freewill donations through our donations page. My family, team and ministry appreciates you all and pray from our hearts that you will experience great harvests.

Don’t forget, your investment in our books or your FREEWILL DONATIONS  is a great tool for the work in our hands. And we always pray for great harvests for all our readers and donors.

 Join My Facebook Group for Prayers and Dream Interpretation.

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Tella Olayeri grew from Spiritual Warrior to Spiritual Warlord in the Vineyard of God. His books have changed lives of millions, with banner of praises and testimonies in their hands! He is a solution giver to problems and challenges men and women pass through on daily basis. He frowns at satanic oppression and demonic agenda propagated by powers of darkness. He is known for his wonderful deliverance books that address, swallow and bring abrupt end to fierce attacks of the enemy. "Wonders and Miracles", connotes his deliverance books. Tella's books are globally read and accepted, based on operation "do-it-yourself". His books are instant solution to problems laced with fire prayer missiles that give instant deliverance to demonic yoke and oppression, health hazards, witchcraft attacks etc. His books will teach your hands to wage war and your fingers to fight against forces of darkness. Tella Olayeri is a role model in Christian warfare. He is a Counselor and Preacher of the Word. His writings are wonderful and courageous for Christian soldiers in the battle of life to harvest breakthrough, salvation, spiritual protection, open doors and miracles. One of his major research book is DICTIONARY OF DREAMS, that gives instant relief to millions of how to interpret dreams. The book has about ten thousand (10,000) dreams with accurate interpretations. Tella Olayeri is happily married to his wife, Sister Ngozi Judith Olayeri. The marriage is blessed with five children, Miss Ibukun, David, Michael, Miss Comfort and Miss Mercy.


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