Decrees And Prayers To Command The Month Of June 2021

Command The Month Of November 2021


Hello Beloved,

It is a privilege for me to speak to you today knowing that the Lord God almighty has been merciful unto us.

How are you doing? I believe you are doing well by the grace of God. This blog is just to check on you and let you know that there are greater things ahead of you and inform you about decrees, prayers and command for the week. The decrees below is to be used at night (preferably 12 noon) and morning continuously for 1 week please endeavor to participate.

I spent much time studying the prayer lives of many great men and women of prayer and used their keys to answered prayer in formulating prayer topics, decrees, meditation scriptures as well as hindrance breaking strategies.

Remember you are unstoppable! You are unstoppable! You are unstoppable! This is the good news of the Lord for you this year. You shall do all things through Christ who strengthens you day and night. Hear this loud and clear; enemy in the sea, enemy in the air and enemy in the land can’t stop you. Any power that stands on your way shall be grinded to dust. Thus says the Lord.

“This is what the Lord says to you: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s” 2 Chronicles 20:15.




I declare this morning, Good morning Lord, Good morning Jesus, Good morning Holy Spirit. Power of Trinity, I thank you for waking me up to command, declare and decree goodness, victory, favour, mercy, deliverance, joy, laughter, progress, success, open doors, and open heavens unto my life. Thank you Lord for the wonders and miracles of morning dew upon my life. I am here before you. Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit. Amen

“The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught” Isaiah 50:4.


I thank you Lord this morning as I wake up, I lift my arms, I move my knees, I turned my neck; everything made the noise; meaning I am fine. I wake up with smiles because each day has something to be thankful for! I thank my God who makes me happy, makes me smile, guide me to safety through every mile; grant me wealth and good health, give me care and love. I thank you for protecting me through the night. I thank you for blessing me with another day. You wake me up today because you are not done with me yet. I know that you have good plans for me; today is the day you have made for me to rejoice in it. I thank you Lord, for your agenda to make me smile and happy every morning.

“I can do everything through him who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13.


I praise my God and forget not his benefits, who forgive all my sin and heals all my diseases, who redeems my life from the pit and crown me with love and compassion, who satisfies my desires with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagles. I thank you Lord for the precious gift of life you blessed me with this fine morning. I start this wonderful day, knowing that if I invite God into my life, I and happiness will always be inseparable. This morning, I declare my praise to go heaven, shake heaven and be accepted, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving I submit myself to you this morning. Renew my strength this morning O Lord my God. Amen

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint” Isaiah 40:31.


Lord Jesus, I come before you this morning as a sinner. I am sorry for my sins, I repent my sins, please forgive me. In your name I forgive all others for what they did against me. I hold no grudge against them anymore. This morning, I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I command evil spirits to quit my life and family. I invite Jesus into my life. Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Lord, my God and my Saviour. Heal my soul of sins and evil thoughts. My spirit, soul and body start practicing living in heaven, in the name of Jesus.

“As far as the east is from the west so far has he removed our transgressions from us” Psalm 103:12.


Holy Spirit of God, come upon me this morning. Fill my heart, take over my home. My spirit, don’t insult Holy Spirit, make way for Him in my life. I command the day to welcome Holy Spirit into my life. Let Him talk to my ears, hold my hands to safety and prosperity, make me happy and victorious in anything I lay my hands upon. Holy Spirit Divine, be my Senior Partner. Open my eyes, to my dreams. Open my ears to your talk. Command what I say, not what I love to say. Amen.

“In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly” Psalm 5:3.

This Decrees was culled from my book 230 Powerful Decrees to Command the Morning for Breakthrough, Bright Day, Success, Victory, Deliverance and Fruitfulness.




“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever”. 1 Chronicles 16:34

My thanksgiving goes to the Lord Almighty, who created heaven and earth. In my prayer and praises today I will receive instant answer. O Lord, let the heavens open to my prayer. Let every dark power that rise up against me be silenced. My thanks giving go fast than what I expect. Lord Jesus, answer me, I am your child. O Lord, restore me and let your praise fill my mouth, in the name of Jesus.

I know the food of my God, it is thanksgiving. If one knows how to praise God and thank him today, yesterday and in the future, keys of greatness awaits him/her. O Lord, I need key of salvation, I want to be saved. I need key of faith like Father Abraham; I want to excel in life. I need key of breakthrough; I want to be the head and not the tail. My God will do it. I thank you Daddy; for doing it.


“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. Philippians 4:6-7

 I will praise God wherever I go. I will praise him in my family for what he did for me. I will praise him in my neighborhood, in my nation and among nations.

“Be exalted, O God above heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth”. Psalm 108:5.

 My father and my God I praise you. O Heaven that houses the Father listen, open and favor me, in the name of Jesus. Those who expect me to fail eventually waited in vain. Their expectation never stands. They are disgraced.

O heaven shake, shake; shake for my sake let the Lord arises. The Lord speaks; the Lord is ready to avenge my enemy. I praise my God; he heard me and scattered the battle against me.


“As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him”. Mathew 3:16

I raise my voice to God today to praise him. Father Lord, let my heaven open, descend like Dove upon me. Let me receive in abundance from heaven today. Why should I not give thanks to my God? I will do it, day by day, and every morning. I will not shortchange myself in prayer. My relationship with my creator is a child and a Father. The God is my father and I am his son/daughter.

Heaven shall not close against me. As my heaven opens, I shall not see trouble and bitterness. O heaven, restore my life and bring me up again. Increase my honor and comfort me. I will praise you O Lord from generation to generation shall your name spread from my home. I have hope in the Lord because I know my heaven will open.


“I know that you are pleased with me, for my enemy does not triumph over me. Because of my integrity you uphold me and set me in your presence forever. Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen”. Psalm 41: 11-13

My father and my God, I adore you for mercy and love. In compassion, have compassion upon me and favor me. O Lord, it is you I know and shall worship from everlasting to everlasting. I have a song of worship I won’t forget. It is a song of eternity, a song of deliverance, a song of joy and a song of breakthrough. It is a song I sing all the time. I will sing it now to praise my God and shake heaven. This is the song:-

I Will Praise You From Everlasting

From Everlasting To Everlasting

I Will Praise You To Everlasting

From Everlasting To Everlasting

Praise be to my God, I will praise you throughout my life on earth. In heaven, I will praise you. I will see the throne of the Almighty because I depart from my sinful way.


“For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land”. Psalm 95: 3-5

I praise you Oh Lord for your creation in the beginning. From the beginning, you had me in mind, no wonder you created Adam and Eve. Really, they fell in the Garden of Eden where you provided for them to enjoy to the fill. My ancient parents failed to keep your decree. They were disobedient to the rules. The serpent tempted them and they fell. O Lord, with your mercy let your love for me speaks wonders. Let my beginning favor me. Heal my foundation and forgive me of ancestral mistakes and sins.

Despite the disobedience of Adam and Eve, you forgave them by keeping them alive. Today, your mercy and favor abound in our lives. When I think of the old and where I am today, I am happy and gracious because I have hope in you. I am not naked, even enemies want it to be. What you created favors me.

This Decrees was culled from my book Shake Heaven With Prayer And Receive Instant Answer: Praying To Grab God’s Attention


DECREE NUMBER 1: I decree cleansing using blood of Jesus

My father, my father, you sent only your one and only begotten son, Jesus Christ down the earth to save us and give us total and permanent forgiveness for all our sins.

His blood shed on the cross of Calvary shall lead me to eternal salvation, forgiveness of my sins, cleansing and entrance to heaven. Lord Jesus; cleanse me and provide me with everything I need to live a life of victory, including redemption, fellowship, healing, protection and authority over the devil.

Blood of Jesus wash me clean. I soak my name and destiny in the pool blood of Jesus. Blood of Jesus, be atonement for my sin, restore my virtues and fight for me, in the name of Jesus.

“For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed; for the Lord dwelleth in Zion” Joel 3:21

Prayer: Blood of Jesus cleanse me and redeem me within and without. Let your peace reign in my life. Amen.

DECREE NUMBER 2: Applying the blood for family deliverance

I plead the blood of Jesus upon my family to rise and be comfortable. Blood of Jesus, flow in my family. Let blood of Jesus make us stand against the whiles of the enemy. I plead the blood of Jesus upon my parents.

I plead the blood of Jesus upon my spouse. I plead the blood of Jesus upon my children. I plead the blood of Jesus upon my siblings. I plead the blood of Jesus upon my extended family, my nephews, my cousins, uncles and aunts, in the name of Jesus.

Blood of Jesus, protect my family from evil attack. Cleanse my family of idolatry. Awake the heart of everyone in my family to you and you only. Lord Jesus, let the stripes on the cross bring healing to us.

Let your blood deliver me and my family from evil that may come from my place of birth, in the name of Jesus.

“And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the first born from the dead, and the ruler of the Kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood” Revelation 1:5

Prayer: Lord Jesus, empower my family to witness your name, in the name of Jesus.

DECREE NUMBER 3: Pleading the blood for foundational deliverance

I decree blood of Jesus to heal my foundation and break every hold of the enemy upon me, in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus, flow into my foundation and deliver me. Blood of Jesus, speak deep deliverance into my foundation, in the name of Jesus.

Blood of Jesus, nullify every concluded decision of witchcraft against my foundation. My foundation, receive deliverance, in the name of Jesus. Every ancestral demon operating in my family foundation in order to pull us down, expire, in the name of Jesus.

Blood of Jesus, disgrace every enemy of my foundation, in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft operation in my foundation be nullified, by the power in the blood of Jesus. Every curse of darkness working against my foundation, break, by the power in the blood of Jesus. Amen.

“When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3

Prayer: Every power, harassing my foundation, suffocate, by the power in the blood of Jesus.

DECREE NUMBER 4: Deliverance of the womb and stomach

Blood of Jesus, flow around my womb and stomach for immediate deliverance from evil arrow and evil arrest, in the name of Jesus. I rob blood of Jesus on my womb/stomach in the name of Jesus.

I drink blood of Jesus to cleanse my stomach of evil deposit. Anything that may affect my stomach blood of Jesus paralyze it. Anything that may affect my womb/ stomach expire in the name of Jesus.

Blood of Jesus, speak peace into my womb/stomach in the name of Jesus. What God did not plant in my womb/stomach, blood of Jesus, uproot it, in the name of Jesus.

Oh heaven, arise, let blood of Jesus break every covenant of unfruitfulness in my stomach/womb in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus, destroy every strange object in my womb/stomach, in the name of Jesus.

Every waster assigned against my womb/stomach, be arrested and be destroyed, by the power in the blood of Jesus.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” Galatians 5:1

Prayer: Blood of Jesus deliver me and my whole being from witchcraft captivity, in the name of Jesus.

DECREE NUMBER 5: Applying blood line power

Lord Jesus, apply bloodline around my house and property. I walk around my house and prosperity in the spirit and plead the blood of Jesus around it against witchcraft attack. I command every dark power that cross the bloodline to expire and rise no more in the name of Jesus.

Every dark bird that fly against my house or property be shut down by heavenly arrow, in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft power and wizard on evil mission against my destiny, paralyze, in the name of Jesus.

Blood of Jesus, act as the Blood of the Lamb that barred death to afflict the Israelites in Egypt. Thou bloodline of Jesus act today and forever more. Amen.

“He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work” 1 John 3:8

Prayer: I decree bloodline to arrest and destroy agents of darkness around me, in the name of Jesus.

This Decrees was culled from my book 100 Decrees Pleading the Blood of Jesus.




Holy Spirit, I am here before you, come as dew and refresh me. Empower me to subdue power of darkness. Holy Spirit, blow upon me such that sin will no more find place in me. Let your wind of grace guide me in the way of liberty, in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, you are wonderful. You are a personality that warms me up where I am cold. You direct my step in the right way. You empower me to embarrass my enemies. They see me and fold arms. They jettison their plans because you are with me. You lay hands upon me and purge me of evil deposits by the power of deliverance you possess. Those who threaten me withdrew, they sober and are weak. Holy Spirit, you strengthen me and build my faith. You are wonderful every day in my life. Thank you, Holy Spirit.

And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.” Ephesians 1: 13-14.


Holy Spirit, you generate fire with Holy Ghost Fire. You visits the disciples at the Pentecost and their life changed, They speak in tongues after tongues to fire that separated came to rest on each of them. You are still alive, you never die. You don’t expire. You are every day strong and wonderful. Generate fire in my heart. Let your flame blaze upon the altar of my heart, so that I speak in tongues, dream heavenly dreams loaded with vision of breakthrough. With you, every chain of darkness shall break. By your mercy which is like a refining fire, touch my being. Holy Spirit, choose me for miracle, let your power flow in my life. So be it.

“They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Acts 2:3-4.


I praise my God that creates way of divine entrance to the Promised Land. He did it in the life of the Israelites when he saved them from servitude and break the chain of captivity in their life. I praise God who doesn’t forget his chosen race. I praise God who chose me as his and save me from poverty and slavery to evil task master. My God shall set me free from witchcraft captivity. I praise him, chain of poverty breaks at the mention of Jesus name. Chain of affliction breaks at the mention of blood of Jesus. Chain of failure breaks at the mention of Holy Spirit. O Lord I praise you for your protection and guide against the wicked and there evil plan against me. I am save in the hands of the Lord. He is my guard.

“Now I will break their yoke from your neck and tear your shackles away.” Nahum 1:13.


Lord Jesus, I praise you, here I am. You are God of opportunities who provide divine entrance to high and great places. With you O Lord, great doors of good opportunities shall open to me, my ways shall open to prosperity. I praise my God who shall make me relevant in the society, in my home and among people. I receive banner of recognition and banner of elevation. Lord Jesus elevates me above tears of sorrow and failure. No one dare challenge him, or else he will fail. Why will I not praise God? He is, Jehovah El-Shadai; The All Sufficient Almighty God. He gives me strength to harvest opportunities around me; no wonder, he is called Jehovah Maozi- The Lord Our Strength. I praise you O Lord, you are my God.

“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands”. Psalm 90:17.


I Praise God who teaches me the secret of patience. Impatience swallows opportunities, but patience makes one reap bountifully. O Lord I praise you for teaching my body chemistry the secret of patience. I praise you O Lord, you make me to understand, it is not how I wait that matters but your fulfillment of promise upon me while I wait. Father Abraham waited patiently in faith a nation came out of him. It is said, the patient dog eat the fattest bone. I praise my God he will give unto me Davidic key of breakthrough that brings smiles to life. O Lord, let my patience bring results of great magnitude, great harvest and great joy, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.” Psalm 40:1.

This Decree was culled from my book 101 Powerful Decrees and Prayers for Breakthrough.




  1. It is time to enjoy the Lord, let every obstacle against me scatter. Lion of Judah roar like thunder; safe me from wicked activities of the enemy. Open up your pathways and highways of righteousness unto me. Lion of Judah roar, do wonders in my life; swipe away the darkness that confronts me. Swipe away chaos and confusion that stare at me. Swipe away fear and dread that makes me shrink. Swipe away sorrow and tears that cause stagnancy in my life. Let wonders work against Satan the ever changing chameleon that destroys life. The enemy that scare living daylights from men and women. The enemy that causes chaos and confusion. The enemy that cause one to cry bitter cries. People may fall prey to him; I shall not fail or fall. The Lion of Judah is my Lord and Savior.

“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” Psalm 103:11-12


  1. I shall not perish in the boat, Jesus is with me. The Almighty God is full of power and might. No one journey with Him and perish. I am save in the hands of the Lord. Make me to be like Peter who jumped out of the boat and walk into your hands and safe. He was full of courage to walk on the water and you saved him when he sank. Give me faith above others, as Peter who had more faith and courage than the rest in the boat. Fire my faith Oh Lord; let my faith grow day and night. I shall not sink in the sea of life. Restore my childlike faith. Give me courage to fight the good fight of faith. Let fear in me be replaced with faith and bring repentance and salvation to my life. So help me God.

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26


  1. Lord Jesus, you are the stronghold of my life, of my family, of my career and destiny. You are the light that shines glory, mercy, favor and breakthroughs to life. You save soul from danger and bring peace to life. You are my salvation. With you is confidence. Whom shall I fear; whom shall I dread when the Lion of Judah is the stronghold of my life? Lion of Judah my life is available, enter and make me great. Powers that plan to devour my flesh shall stumble and fall. Those who encamp around me in order to attack me shall fail because the Lord is my stronghold. When war breaks out against me it shall not come near me because the Lord is my stronghold. Lion of Judah, arise check the excesses of the enemy. Lion of Judah, stop dark armies of thugs and looters assign to naked me spiritually, economically and politically, in the name of Jesus. I keep my eyes fixed upon the Lord and desire him above everything else. Thank you Lord.

“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5


  1. I declare war against my enemy; I declare victory over them today, in the name of Jesus. I declare quick and unanimous vote against powers assign to compete with me. I declare the threats of my enemy idle. Let the threats of enemy fall on deaf ear and be meaningless to me. Today is a day of liberty, let every plan and scheme of the enemy to bring destruction and anarchy to my family be uncovered, exposed and stopped. My family, roar like thunder, roar like lion of the tribe of Judah. I declare glory of the Lord to overcome any thing blinding helpers dedicated to help me. My helpers shall see me and help me, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, lift every restriction against me. I declare the Lion of Judah to surround and protect me and my family in the name of Jesus. Amen

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7


  1. I declare strange revival in my home, in my office, in my career, in my way of life and destiny. I cry out for revival to touch my living, my business and my breakthrough. O Lord, I pray, I turn to you in radical repentance to come back to my first love, peace and knowing God better. Lion of Judah, checkmate my ideology and every step I take to be of the Lord. I re-ignite with flames of holy passion for Jesus Christ. I pray for Salvation of my soul, that those that walk in darkness would come into the light. Let those who oppose you have a revelation of Jesus and be radically turn to Christ. Let there be holy visitation come upon my life, in Jesus name.

Hear my voice in accordance with your love; preserve my life, LORD, according to your laws.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

This Decrees was culled from my book 105 Decrees The Roar of Lion of Judah: Prayer of Power Breakers.





There is power in anointing. Anointing destroys every yoke of bondage. Anointing makes the carrier bold, and possesses power of deliverance. Anointing is the presence of God in a situation. It is the power of God in action. It is the person of the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Anointing destroys everything that is not of God. Every negative like sickness, poverty, depression, addiction, oppression shall expire at contact with holy anointing. Call upon Holy Spirit to decree anointing that build, strengthen, and bring life and blessings to come upon you. Ask for anointing that will turn your career around and make you smile, by the power of Holy Spirit.

“—–God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and— he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him” Acts 10:38.



Holy Spirit gives peace and joy if you are in Christ. When we surrender to Christ, our body becomes temple of the Holy Spirit, and where the spirit of the Lord is, peace and joy will be there. We gain ground of righteousness when Jesus fully paid the price for every sin on the cross of Calvary. It is therefore necessary to work in Christ through the Holy Spirit and not rely on our work. The devil is battle ready to attack our right. Satan is battle ready to seize our joy and peace. As a result, you must call upon the Holy Spirit to decree peace and joy upon your life, and rebuke any power that attack your stand with Jesus.

“For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” Romans 14:17.



The sixth piece of armor that Paul discusses in Ephesians 6, is the sword of the spirit, which represents the Word of God. Sword in the ancient time served as an offensive weapon against enemies. In the Spirit sword represents power, protection, authority, strength and courage. If Holy Spirit takes the place of a sword, it means every Christian needs it to conquer the enemy and forge ahead in life. For this reason, heavenly decree must be sought to turn situation around, using sword of God’s Word as a weapon to use in battle against Satan. We should apply the Sword for God to fight the influence of evil and bring it to repentance.

“Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God” Ephesians 6:17.



Holy Spirit is a Chief Speaker of great virtue. He knows what to say at the right time and not fault. He sees situation, knows it, knows what it demands, knows the answer needed and effectively do the right thing at the right time. Holy Spirit is in the Father, he knows all. Holy Spirit handles situation perfectly. He makes no mistake. Human error or omission is not in his dictionary. When he speaks for you, you are happy, as he gives perfect answer and receive perfect result. He is always ready to handle situation, and he handles it perfectly well. The reason, you ask for decree to speak and get perfect result.

“For it will not be you speaking, but the spirit of your Father speaking through you”. Mathew 10:20.



Holy Spirit is a teacher and revealer of facts you need to grow. When Jesus speaks, it is through the Holy Spirit. He doesn’t talk, for talking sake. His words are fire that goes deep to foundation of issue. News about him spread through, in area he visits. This is because he releases fire of speech of power to convince people and set many free from dark power. His teaching is mind blowing. The power of his speech is marvelous and silences works of darkness.

“Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the spirit, and news about him spread through the whole country side” Luke 4:14.

This Decrees was culled from my book 77 Powerful Decrees of the Holy Spirit.




I lift up my head and trust in the Lord. Heavenly bomb appear! Bullets of God appear! The Angels of the Lord are standby. My faith and hope is in Angel Armies. They are in place. Hallelujah. Heavenly bomb, raze down the coven of witchcraft power. Silence the enemy! Let bomb explodes! Let’s hear sounds of bullets Tatata—–tata—tatarata. It sounds! It is multiple sounds! Enemies take cover! Witches and wizards ran away! Many are dead! The battle favors me. I praise you O Lord. You are great. You are wonderful.

“Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart” So be it. Amen

The Lion of Judah is not asleep. Dark judges are dun fore! Besides the judge of the court, THE LION IS AWAKE! They ran for their dear life. But it is too late. They are devoured! They are prey! Food for dinner! Where is the bomb? Where are the bullets? It sounds again! The center cannot hold! O Lord of the Angel Armies! Commander in Chief of the Heavenly Host, don’t go yet. Finish them! Finish the remnants! We need them no more! Their time is up! They surrendered!

“Woe to the wicked! It will go badly with him. For what he deserves will be done to him”. Isaiah 3:11


My God is here, you are welcome all the time. If the trees of the field clap their hands because of your goodness; what about me? The mountains sing your praise what about me? I praise my God. He is powerful. I am not afraid. The great plans and purpose of the Lord will work out in my life. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I will not concede to the enemy. The Lord shall give me hope. He shall give me strength. I am loaded with boldness, fortitude and courage. I hang unto him! I hug him tight and hold him tight. My Lord is great.

My heavenly father, you are there for me 24 hours every day. No one can stand against me. No one. No one can compare to my God. No one. Nothing can separate me from the love of God. The Lord is God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

 “But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and the house of Jacob will possess its inheritance” Obadiah 1:17. I say again, I won’t concede to enemy!


As I praise God in respect of take over, I heard, “Witchcraft Jericho must fall”. Yes, witchcraft Jericho delaying my take over, delaying my possession, delaying my occupation must fall. Praise Jesus, praise the Lord, and praise the Holy Spirit, in this battle. My God, you did it in the time of Joshua, my Jericho wall must fall. In fact, it has fallen! Amen.

“Shout against her on every side! She surrenders her towers, her towers fall, her walls are torn down. Since this is the vengeance of the LORD, take vengeance on her; do to her as she has done to others” Jeremiah 50:15


The bombs and bullets are ready. Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! This is the heavenly language I understand echoes in heaven. O Lord of the Angel Armies! Commander in chief of the heavenly Host, appear, come with Legions upon Legions of your war angels. Invade our land with the fierceness of your wrath and your overwhelming fury and consume my enemy. Consume the enemy of my soul; the enemy of my family; the enemy around me and within me. Today is the last day of you all.

“In your unfailing love, silence my enemies; destroy all my foes, for I am your servant”. Psalm 143:12


I shall not concede to the enemy until I win. I hear from the Lord, I must not concede. I praise my God who commands me! Pick up your sword and fight! Pick up your sword and fight! Pick up your sword and fight! Weapons are in your possession! Bombs and bullets are at your disposal! For the sake of your destiny fight! For the sake of your children fight! For the sake of your family fight! For the sake of your neighbors fight! For the sake of your nation fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! You must not give up but fight!

I praise my God who said I should not turn my back on the good and settle for the bad. I will not accept defeat. I will fight until enemy surrender. I will not accept Satan and turn back at God. I will not accept evil and turn my back at good. I am with weapon and climb upon the wall, stare down at enemy and throw bomb at them. They scatter!

This Decrees was culled from my book Bombs and Bullets of Prayer and Praises That Silence Witchcraft Powers.




I found my God; He is Yahweh, “I AM that I AM”. He revealed himself to me, I am proud I serve a Living God. For this, “I don’t care who my enemy is”, because my God is Mighty and powerful. I am a sinner whose righteousness is like filthy rags who finds favor in the Lord. My God embraced me, like a child. He shall not forsake me. Who is the power or personality that can withstand God? Nobody, my God revealed himself to me and I am ready to serve him. It is favor I received; it is mercy I receive from God. My ancestors were idol worshippers, but this did not anger God against me. He embraced me and loved me. For this, I declare, “I don’t care who my enemy is”

“I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me”. To a nation that did not call on my name. I said, “Here am I, here am I” Isaiah 65:1.


I believe in God and take refuge in him. He will save me and deliver me from all who pursued me. My enemy plan to tear me like a lion and rip me to pieces. They thought no one shall rescue me. My God arise and save me from the mouth of devouring powers. I raise my voice to my God who saved me. My God did it for me. I rely on God my father, this made me to declare, “I don’t care who my enemy is”. Enemy come to destroy but my God came to save. It is time I jubilate with friends of trust. I know wherever enemies gather against me; they shall fail and rise no more. Always, do I say, “I don’t care who my enemy is”, because my God is there for me. I am close to God and He is always there for me. He answers me whenever I call on him. I am happy to say, “I don’t care who my enemy is”. My God is my God.

“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemies before you, saying, ‘Destroy them!’” Deuteronomy 33:27


My God is there for me, I don’t care who my enemy is. My God is in charge of my breath, He is the one that will call me home at the appropriate time, not Satan or his agents. Whatever Satan and his agents do against me shall fail because the Lord is Almighty. It is only him shall I serve my enemy can only bark but not bite. For this, “I don’t care who my enemy is”, because enemies are powerless before God. My God is Powerful; He will strike my enemies on the jaw and break the teeth of the wicked. This is the reason I say, “I don’t care who my enemy is”. Praise the Lord, the deliverer of my soul.

I lie down and sleep, I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side” Psalm 3:5-6.


I raise my voice to the Almighty against powers that keep vast army of my father’s house in the valley of dry bone. O Lord, silence them, in the name of Jesus. Hence, I prophesy life into my dry bone. I prophesy life into the dry bone in my lineage and my handwork. Dry bone means bareness, backwardness, stagnation, poverty, shame and disgrace. O Lord, let them disappear in my life. I am not here to negotiate with enemies of my soul in this regard. I don’t care who my enemy is, O Lord, make them impotent in matters of my life. Judge them, rebuke them and silence them. I rebuke every power that stands on my way to breakthrough. O Lord, restore my finance, my peace and spiritual life stolen and kept in the valley of dry bone. Angels of God I do as you commanded Ezekiel

 “So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breathe entered them; they came to life and stood on their feet- o vest enemy” Ezekiel 37:10. Praise the Lord, I don’t care who my enemy is.


Enemies rise against me because I speak as oracle of God. I minister Jesus as God supplies me wisdom, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. This is biblical, but enemies rise against me. But, I don’t care who they are, in as much I don’t hurt or attack anyone. My God is my God; I won’t serve other gods or bow before them. If it’s spiritual jealousy may God open their eyes to reasons! If it is religious hatred may God silence them forever! If I do right thing at the right time, which power or personality can stop me or challenge me? It is not possible. Hence, I say, “I don’t care who my enemy is”.

“If anyone speaks let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen” 1 Peter 4:10-11.

This Decrees was culled from my book I Don’t Care Who My Enemy Is With 95 Powerful Decrees.



  1. This night, I command the desire of my heart to be fulfilled. The plans of the enemy shall fail. “Arise, O LORD! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked”. Psalm3:7. Hence, I command the night to favour me. By this, those who boast my face shall be red with weep shall fail. Those who wants my eyes grow dim with grief shall replace me. Those who want my hands in violence shall meet double failure. Those who pray my frame shall be but a shadow shall fail. Those who want my plans shattered shall not witness such. Those who want me walk to the gate of death shall die in my place. Those who sets trap for me and snare to hold me shall fall into it in the name of Jesus. Amen.
  2. I command every arrow fired against me to backfire in the name of Jesus. Powers that consult herbalist in other to destroy me die with your evil plan. Every evil load assign for me in the kingdom of darkness, catch fire and roast to ashes. Witchcraft powers assign to pull me down die in the name of Jesus. For it is written, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me saith the LORD” Isaiah 54:17.
  3. I decree and command powers assign to harvest the fruit of my labour and devour me to die in the name of Jesus. Any power, assign to naked me and put me to shame shall fail. Every evil wall build around me be pulled down. Every power pulling me from going to house of God for prayer die. My Zion, appear and liberate me. For it is written, “But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness, and the house of Jacob shall possess their possession” Obadiah 1:17. No power shall chase me from my point of possession. I will not lose to enemy, I will not beg before I feed. Every gang up against me shall scatter in the name of Jesus. Amen.
  4. In this battle tonight, I command every calamity assign to swallow me to scatter. Calamity! Calamity! Calamity! I am not your candidate scatter in the name of Jesus. My bone will not be shaken, my destiny shall not be buried, my star shall rise and shine in the name of Jesus. Evil pot of calamity assign against my destiny break tonight. Dark judgment pronounced against me be nullified right now, in the name of Jesus. I command every curse pronounced against me to backfire. My God shall rescue me and make me a champion as it is written; ‘‘From six calamities he will rescue you; in seven no harm will befall you’’ Job 5:19. This, I claim by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  5. I command what is written the book of Numbers come to pass in my life. “There is no sorcery against Jacob, no divination against Israel. It will now be said of Jacob and of Israel, ‘See what God has done! ’Numbers 23:23. What is written is written, no one can change it. As it is written, no sorcery against me shall stand, I command every sorcerer assign against me from the pit of hell to die in the name of Jesus. Every divination against me shall backfire. I shall live above divinations and sorcerers fashion against me. These are witchcraft powers that won’t stand before the Lord Almighty. I will not bow before them or dine with them. Those that rise up against me shall scatter and come to ruin. I am a star fortified in the Rock.

This Decrees was culled from my book Command the Night with 90 Decrees and Prophecies: Know Your Enemy and Be More Than a Conqueror.



1. I recommend you get the book Command the Year as it commands each month of the year and reveals more secret concerning what each month holds.
2. Prayer Against Untimely Death: Daily Meditations For Working Through Grief.


3. Prayer When All Seems Lost: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered

4. Breaking Witchcraft Barrier Against Family Growth

5.NAKED Warriors

6.Command The Night 30 Days Spiritual Manual Prayer Book: A Devotional Prayer Book With 1,200 Violent Prayer Points For Healing Breakthrough and Divine Acceleration

7.Prayer for Pregnant Women: With All Christian Names and Meanings

8.Prayer for Fruit of the Womb: Expecting Mothers

9. Prayer in Time of Emergency: God Helps in Time of Need

10. Prayer against Rebellion Spirit That Scatter Home

How do I Command the Year?

I wrote a book titled Command the Year, which command each month of the year to bring forth good things. It is to be used every day and every month of the year.

In the book, I shared direction to command the year. I also provides you with powerful prayer and declarations to command the year.

Go to new year by saying “I Don’t Care who my Enemy is” By decreeing powerful decree that shakes the camp of the enemy.

Also you can Command the Day using this book.

1. Dictionary of Dreams: The Dream Interpretation Dictionary With Symbols, Signs, and Meanings

2. Prayer to Remember Dreams: A dream journal workbook to learn to recall, record and chart your dreams

3.100 Decrees Pleading the Blood of Jesus

4. Shake Heaven with Prayer and Praises: How to Praise God With Words

5. 105 Decrees The Roar of Lion of Judah: Prayer of Power Breakers

6. Command The Day Against Witchcraft Activities: Daily Prayer Book

7. Strange Women! Leave my Husband Alone: The Secret to Love and Marriage That Lasts

8. Dangerous Prayer Against Strange Women: O Lord, Save My Marriage from Wrecking And Divorce

9. Prayer To Locate Helpers and Helpers to Locate You

10. Deliverance from Spirit of Dog

11 Prayer against SEX in the DREAM: Causes of Spiritual Husband


Breaking the Chain Of Darkness

Take Your Case to God: The Battle Is Won

Multiplying The Tears Of The Enemy

101 Powerful Decrees and Prayers for Breakthrough

Enemies Can’t Stop Me

Enemies Halt! It is written!: A scriptural based prayer book

Bombs and Bullets of Prayer and Praises That Silence Witchcraft Powers

77 Powerful Decrees of the Holy Spirit


Double Fire Double Thunder Prayer Book: Why Prayer is Powerful

Strange Women! Leave my Husband Alone: The Secret to Love and Marriage That Lasts

Prayer That Makes Enemies Surrender and Flee

Thunder Prayer That Provokes Angelic Violence Against Works Of Darkness: Prayer is Powerful Journal

Tongue of Fire and Warfare Deliverance

Shake Heaven with Prayer and Praises: How to Praise God With Words

I Decree Fire To Consume And Destroy Witchcraft Powers

Atomic Prayers that Destroy Witchcraft Powers and Silence Enemies: A Prayer Book that Rout Demon



  1. I recommend you get the book Command the Year as it commands each month of the year and reveals more secret concerning what each month holds.
  2. Command the Night with 90 Decrees and Prophecies: Know Your Enemy and Be More Than a Conqueror.

  3. COMMAND the Night deal with Witchcraft Powers and be set free: Know Your Enemy and Be More Than a Conqueror.

  4. Command the Night With 444 Prophetic Prayers to move from the Valley to Mountain Top: A Guide to Scripture-Based Prayer.

  5. Command Your Marriage: The Love Language for Couples.

  6. Command The Night 30 Days Spiritual Manual Prayer Book: A Devotional Prayer Book With 1,200 Violent Prayer Points For Healing Breakthrough and Divine Acceleration.

  7. Command the Night Against Battles of Life: Prayers That Rout Demons.

  8. Command the Night Against 100 types of Witchcraft Arrows: Powerful Prayers in the War Room.

  9. Command The Day Against Witchcraft Activities: Daily Prayer Book.

  10. Command the Night with 370 Prayers against Deadly Arrows that Bury Destiny


Thanks to my narrators, if you love audiobooks, you can get some of my audio prayer books on Audible (owned by Amazon).

a. Fire for fire part one  A Spiritual Warfare Prayer Book that Overcome Witchcraft Powers.

b. Fire for Fire part two A Spiritual Warfare Prayer Book that Opens Heaven

c. Command the Night With 90 Decrees and Prophecies Serious Midnight Battle

d. 630 Acidic Prayer A Violent Prayer Book



I want to use this opportunity to say a big thank you to many of you who sent us freewill donations through our donations page. My family, team and ministry appreciates you all and pray from our hearts that you will experience great harvests.

Don’t forget, your investment in our books or your FREEWILL DONATIONS  is a great tool for the work in our hands. And we always pray for great harvests for all our readers and donors.


 Join My Facebook Group for Prayers and Dream Interpretation.

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Tella Olayeri grew from Spiritual Warrior to Spiritual Warlord in the Vineyard of God. His books have changed lives of millions, with banner of praises and testimonies in their hands! He is a solution giver to problems and challenges men and women pass through on daily basis. He frowns at satanic oppression and demonic agenda propagated by powers of darkness. He is known for his wonderful deliverance books that address, swallow and bring abrupt end to fierce attacks of the enemy. "Wonders and Miracles", connotes his deliverance books. Tella's books are globally read and accepted, based on operation "do-it-yourself". His books are instant solution to problems laced with fire prayer missiles that give instant deliverance to demonic yoke and oppression, health hazards, witchcraft attacks etc. His books will teach your hands to wage war and your fingers to fight against forces of darkness. Tella Olayeri is a role model in Christian warfare. He is a Counselor and Preacher of the Word. His writings are wonderful and courageous for Christian soldiers in the battle of life to harvest breakthrough, salvation, spiritual protection, open doors and miracles. One of his major research book is DICTIONARY OF DREAMS, that gives instant relief to millions of how to interpret dreams. The book has about ten thousand (10,000) dreams with accurate interpretations. Tella Olayeri is happily married to his wife, Sister Ngozi Judith Olayeri. The marriage is blessed with five children, Miss Ibukun, David, Michael, Miss Comfort and Miss Mercy.


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