Command The Night With Decrees And Prophecies

  1. O Lord, you said “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” Jeremiah 33:3. Therefore, I command angels of God to take my plead, prayer and petition to you O Lord tonight. For I know when you speak, it won’t come to you void. I pray tonight answer me by fire. When I command, let it be carried out in heaven. Let every situation, powers and principalities obey me. Let the elements obey me. Let Angels of God come to my situation. Hence, whatever I command should break, let it break. Whatever I bind here on earth let it be bound in heaven. Whatever I bury with prayer let it enter the ground and be buried in the spirit. For it is written, “I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” Matthew 18:18. So shall it be with my command tonight in the name of Jesus. Amen.

  2. ‘‘The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer, my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies’’ Psalm 18:2-3. Tonight Lord, don’t forsake me. Hear my prayer, listen to my cry. When I command let it come to pass. When I bind let it be; when I command situation to loose let it be. When I say, break let it be, in the name of Jesus.

  3. With the power of the Lord on my side, I command the heaven to listen to me and carry out my command tonight. Let this night favour me as I make sacrifice to the Lord in the order of Jacob when he sacrificed to the Lord and it was accepted. Genesis 46:1-2. I command the night to obey me so that the Lord may appear in my situation. Let God speak to me, let God make me great among my peers in my father’s house and wherever I go, in the name of Jesus.

  4. I command blood of Jesus to fight for me and stand in gap for me. Blood of Jesus give me access to spiritual realm; be a speaking voice for me. As I sprinkle blood of Jesus, let it begin to speak and fight for me, not only speak, but speak louder than powers of witches and wizard. Let it speak louder than curses in my family. Let the blood give me cover against the wickedness of Satan. Let it be a cure for anti-testimony elements. Let it be my eternal life policy. Amen.

  5. Tonight, no matter the step Satan and his agents take against me; they shall meet double failure. For it is written, ‘‘They overcome him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony’’ Revelation 12:11.

Hence, I decree and command as follows:

  • Let blood of Jesus stop every wicked judgment against me and my family. Exodus 12:12; 2, Samuel 24:15.
  • Let blood of Jesus terminate premature death fashion against me. Exodus 4.
  • Let blood of Jesus open heaven and bring intervention in my favour. 1 King 3:3.
  • Let blood of Jesus bring life to everything I touch. Mathew 27:50-58.
  • Let blood of Jesus, be an instrument that silences the voice of the accuser. Revelation 12:11.
  • Let blood of Jesus terminate demonic presence fashion against me. Exodus 7:21.
  • Let blood of Jesus, be a token for protection and preservation in my life. Exodus 12:13.

Tonight, I command and decree that my destiny, my family and my career shall be soaked, laminated and protected with blood of Jesus.

6. Tonight, I command spirit of love to occupy my heart. My heart, receive spirit to love my neighbours; though it may be difficult at times, do me favour Lord to forget the past and forgive. John 13:34-35. My value before God, rise today so that I shall be a pillar that supports not a caterpillar that destroys, in the name of Jesus.

7. I command the night to save me from excuses to serve God. Exodus 4:10. O Lord, touch my mouth to be eloquent. Let not my past hunt me, nor let me stammer before my helpers. My father and my God teach me what to do and how to do it.

8. I command fresh breath of fire like the day of Pentecost to appear and rest in me. Act 2:1-4.Tonight, let the sound blow like violent wind and occupy this prayer space. Let tongue of fire rest on my head and fill me with Holy Spirit. Let fresh fire revival flow in my life. Enough is enough. Enough of death message that add nothing to life, enough of dead song that lead soul astray. I receive fire of Holy Ghost tonight by fire.

9. I command the night to obey me so that my body can be crucified to Christ. O Lord, empower me to be crucified in the order of Joseph who refuse to sleep with Potiphar’s wife. Genesis 39:6-10. Crucify me in the order of Daniel who rejects alluring food and wine of the King. Daniel 1:8-15. Crucify me O Lord, like the three Hebrew boys who refuse to bow and worship image of gold. Spirit of obedience to serve God fall upon me now in the name of Jesus.

10. Tonight I command every tempest against me to scatter and expire. I know tempest will always toss, billows will always roll, darkness will certainly come, and the road will almost always be slippery and narrow. O yes, I command them to end by fire tonight. I know harrowing experience will always often show off, I will not fear or stumble this night. When Paul was in the ship expected to shipwreck, he encouraged them all; Act 27:21-26, no evil happened. Therefore, I command the night to favour me in all directions of life against principalities and powers of darkness. Tonight I receive fresh grace, fresh hope and climb ladder of progress. Amen.

11. Tonight, I command and decree every Godly deposit in me to blossom. Let power of darkness around me scatter. I shall manifest to accomplish divine objective for my life. O Lord, change my story today, as you change Saul to Paul; Act 13:9. Peter the reed to Peter the rock, Matthew 16:18, who the gate of Hades will not overcome. You change Stephen the Deacon to Stephen the miracle worker, James the weakly to James the pillar of Jerusalem church, which then was the international headquarter of the church worldwide. Here, I am before you O Lord, manifest your power in my life today cancel every evil hand writing against me.

12. “Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors that the King of glory may come in” Psalm 24:7. Hence, I command the glory of the Lord to come upon my life. My father and my God, King of glory, my life is available enter; enter my house, come in to my career and all that concerns me. Make me an outstanding human capital of this generation; a unique special field of study, a leader in my father’s house and in my mother’s house, in my in-law’s house and among my peers, even wherever I go. Whatever I touch let it prosper, wherever I go let me be accepted. Hence, I command success, breakthrough and progress into my life this night, in the name of Jesus

13. Raise the war cry you nation, and be shattered! Listen, all you distant lands. Prepare for battle, and be shattered! Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us. Isaiah 8:9. Therefore, I command angels of God to arise and scatter every plan of the enemy against me. Let their battle against me be shattered. Let their strategy scatter. Hence, I command their evil plan to coil round their neck and kill them in the name of Jesus. Amen.

14. The book of Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” Therefore, the boast, furry and attack of the enemy against me shall meet double failure in the name of Jesus. Hence, I decree tonight, every power that boasts at me shall fail. Powers that say I will die young shall replace me and die in the name of Jesus. Powers that speak wickedly against my career shall be put to shame. Powers that attack me while in the womb, or attack me now shall fail, in the name of Jesus, because I am a creation of God; my God is my God, and my Creator.

15. “Arise, O LORD, in your anger; rise up against the range of my enemies.” Psalm 7:6. For it is written, “I will not fear the tens of thousands draw up against me on every side” Psalm3:6. Therefore, I command every stubborn pursuer assign to hunt me, hurt, attack, kill, or destroy me to die in the name of Jesus. May their plans fail; may their hands wither and their legs be stiffed. May they go blind and their way be slippery. For how long will these powers be after me? Let burning sulphur scatter over their bodies and burn them. May their foundation quake and scatter. For how long will you torment me in my sleep and arrogantly stand against my vision? Let me tell you, my God shall make you reap failure every second of the day. You shall not strip me of my honour or remove my crown of glory. Here, I conclude, I will not be defeated or bow to enemies because my redeemer liveth.

16. This night, I command the desire of my heart to be fulfilled. The plans of the enemy shall fail. “Arise, O LORD! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked”. Psalm3:7. Hence, I command the night to favour me. By this, those who boast my face shall be red with weep shall fail. Those who wants my eyes grow dim with grief shall replace me. Those who want my hands in violence shall meet double failure. Those who pray my frame shall be but a shadow shall fail. Those who want my plans shattered shall not witness such. Those who want me walk to the gate of death shall die in my place. Those who sets trap for me and snare to hold me shall fall into it in the name of Jesus. Amen.

17. I command every arrow fired against me to backfire in the name of Jesus. Powers that consult herbalist in other to destroy me die with your evil plan. Every evil load assign for me in the kingdom of darkness, catch fire and roast to ashes. Witchcraft powers assign to pull me down die in the name of Jesus. For it is written, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me saith the LORD” Isaiah 54:17.

18. I decree and command powers assign to harvest the fruit of my labour and devour me to die in the name of Jesus. Any power, assign to naked me and put me to shame shall fail. Every evil wall build around me be pulled down. Every power pulling me from going to house of God for prayer die. My Zion, appear and liberate me. For it is written, “But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness, and the house of Jacob shall possess their possession” Obadiah 1:17. No power shall chase me from my point of possession. I will not lose to enemy, I will not beg before I feed. Every gang up against me shall scatter in the name of Jesus. Amen.

19. In this battle tonight, I command every calamity assign to swallow me to scatter. Calamity! Calamity! Calamity! I am not your candidate scatter in the name of Jesus. My bone will not be shaken, my destiny shall not be buried, my star shall rise and shine in the name of Jesus. Evil pot of calamity assign against my destiny break tonight. Dark judgment pronounced against me be nullified right now, in the name of Jesus. I command every curse pronounced against me to backfire. My God shall rescue me and make me a champion as it is written; ‘‘From six calamities he will rescue you; in seven no harm will befall you’’ Job 5:19. This, I claim by fire, in the name of Jesus.

20. I command what is written the book of Numbers come to pass in my life. “There is no sorcery against Jacob, no divination against Israel. It will now be said of Jacob and of Israel, ‘See what God has done! ’ ” Numbers 23:23. What is written is written, no one can change it. As it is written, no sorcery against me shall stand, I command every sorcerer assign against me from the pit of hell to die in the name of Jesus. Every divination against me shall backfire. I shall live above divinations and sorcerers fashion against me. These are witchcraft powers that won’t stand before the Lord Almighty. I will not bow before them or dine with them. Those that rise up against me shall scatter and come to ruin. I am a star fortified in the Rock.

This Blog was culled from my book Command the Night with 90 Decrees and Prophecies.
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Tella Olayeri grew from Spiritual Warrior to Spiritual Warlord in the Vineyard of God. His books have changed lives of millions, with banner of praises and testimonies in their hands! He is a solution giver to problems and challenges men and women pass through on daily basis. He frowns at satanic oppression and demonic agenda propagated by powers of darkness. He is known for his wonderful deliverance books that address, swallow and bring abrupt end to fierce attacks of the enemy. "Wonders and Miracles", connotes his deliverance books. Tella's books are globally read and accepted, based on operation "do-it-yourself". His books are instant solution to problems laced with fire prayer missiles that give instant deliverance to demonic yoke and oppression, health hazards, witchcraft attacks etc. His books will teach your hands to wage war and your fingers to fight against forces of darkness. Tella Olayeri is a role model in Christian warfare. He is a Counselor and Preacher of the Word. His writings are wonderful and courageous for Christian soldiers in the battle of life to harvest breakthrough, salvation, spiritual protection, open doors and miracles. One of his major research book is DICTIONARY OF DREAMS, that gives instant relief to millions of how to interpret dreams. The book has about ten thousand (10,000) dreams with accurate interpretations. Tella Olayeri is happily married to his wife, Sister Ngozi Judith Olayeri. The marriage is blessed with five children, Miss Ibukun, David, Michael, Miss Comfort and Miss Mercy.


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